Category: Tourism

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Looking at Chongoene Airport as a business hub

The Administrator of Chongoene, Artur Macamo, urges young people in the district to look at the local airport as a hub for business development. He remains optimistic about a prosperous future as the infrastructure receives more and more businesspeople and tourists. Macamo said that the development has increased the number of weekly flights...


Millennium Challenge will fund transport, climate change and agricultural projects in Mozambique

The US foreign aid agency, Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), will make 500 million dollars available for three projects in transportation and connectivity, climate change management and commercial agriculture in Mozambique. The information was released this Wednesday by the Deputy Executive Director of the MCC, Mahmoud Bah, after a meeting in Maputo with the Minister of Economy...

LAM pode reduzir preços dos bilhetes de viagem dentro de um mês

LAM may reduce travel ticket prices within a month

The national flag carrier, Mozambique Airlines (LAM), could reduce travel ticket prices if it implements a government proposal. The Executive has proposed that LAM reduce its fares in order to attract more passengers and guarantee its financial and operational sustainability, according to the Minister of Transport and Communications, Mateus Magala, quoted...


Dubai was voted the world's most popular tourist destination for the second year running

The 2023 TripAdvisor Travelers Choice Awards have distinguished Dubai as the world's most popular destination for the second year running, the travel platform has announced. The city in the United Arab Emirates tops a list of 25 global destinations, followed by Bali in Indonesia and London in the UK, the platform said in a statement quoted by Notícias ao...

Angola é o primeiro destino preferencial fora da Europa para os portugueses

Angola is the first preferred destination outside Europe for the Portuguese

The Lisbon Emigration Observatory Report 2021, published this Wednesday, reveals that Angola is the only non-European country in a group of 10 countries chosen by the Portuguese as their preferred emigration destination. In 2019, 1,708 Portuguese went to Angola, 202 fewer people than in 2018, when 1,910 Portuguese chose the Portuguese-speaking country as their...


Maputo Province was the main tourist destination during the festive season

Maputo province led the way as the country's main tourist destination during the festive season, receiving a total of 148,000 tourists, including foreigners and nationals. The figures were presented a few days ago in Maputo by the national director of Tourism, Cândido Langa, during a conference to take stock of the sector during the festive season, adding that...