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HCB reduz riscos de cortar fornecimento de energia a países vizinhos

HCB reduces risk of cutting power supply to neighboring countries

In January of the current hydrological year 2024/25, the Cahora Bassa Reservoir recorded an improvement in inflows, which resulted in a slight recovery in storage and stability in the reservoir's level for the hydro-energy production required to meet the energy needs of Mozambique, South Africa and other...

Funcionários da AT paralisam actividades e exigem revisão salarial

AT employees stop work and demand salary review

Officials from the Tax Authority (AT) have been on strike since today, demanding that their salaries be brought into line with those of technicians in similar categories. According to the class, there are processes that were already underway, but whose fate was no longer known when the Single Salary Table (TSU) was implemented. They say they have already sought the reasons for...

Centenas de empresas não voltam a abrir as portas devido a vandalizações

Hundreds of businesses unable to reopen due to vandalism

The Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA) said today in Maputo that hundreds of companies will not reopen their doors after being vandalized during the post-election demonstrations. "There are clearly many hundreds of companies that will never open again. Some for lack of capacity and others for lack of coins...

População bloqueia N2 e N3 em protesto contra o alto custo de vida

People block N2 and N3 in protest at high cost of living

A group of people living in Matola Rio, Maputo province, blocked the N2 National Road this morning, on the bridge over the Matola River, in protest at the high cost of living. Hundreds of vehicles are stranded there, while thousands of passengers are forced to complete their journey on foot. According to a publication by Carta...

Trump quer retirar sul-africanos brancos para os EUA

Trump wants to remove white South Africans to the US

US President Donald Trump may announce in the coming days a plan to remove white South Africans from South Africa to the United States of America (USA). For Trump, South Africa's land reform policy is reason enough to open up immigration to white South African farmers. From the tycoon's perspective, this is a "violation of...

Perto de 20 pessoas expostas à raiva devido à mordida de cães e gatos

Nearly 20 people exposed to rabies due to dog and cat bites

Last year, a total of 19,972 people were admitted to health facilities due to bites from animals, namely dogs and cats, which could transmit rabies. The victims had to be administered anti-rabies vaccines to prevent them from contracting the infection. According to the newspaper Notícias, the victims were attacked by dogs of aggressive breeds...

Mundial-2026: Mambas poderão receber Uganda no estrangeiro devido à situação crítica do ENZ

World Cup-2026: Mambas could host Uganda abroad due to critical situation at ENZ

The Mozambican national soccer team could host Uganda, for the fifth round of Group "G" of the World Cup-2026 Qualification, abroad, if there is no urgent intervention on the pitch at the Zimpeto National Stadium (ENZ) in the next few days. According to the president of the Mozambican Football Federation (FMF), Feizal Sidat, who was speaking on Saturday (08)...