Category: Agriculture

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Fungo do “Panamá” ameaça a produção de banana e segurança alimentar em Moçambique e toda África

Panama fungus threatens banana production and food security in Mozambique and throughout Africa

Banana production in Mozambique and the rest of Africa could be jeopardized by the spread of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum (TR4), which has caused significant losses in other producing countries. Cavendish banana (common banana) plantations in Mozambique, where the disease was first recorded on two commercial banana farms in 2013,...

Companhia de Vanduzi anuncia projecto de exportação de abacate para Europa

Vanduzi's company announces avocado export project to Europe

Companhia de Vanduzi has announced that it has started a new avocado production and export project that will contribute to the company's growth. The information was revealed on the sidelines of the Economic Briefing of the Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA), which took place last week in Chimoio, Manica province. According to...

Presidente da República anuncia financiamento de 75 milhões de meticais para produtores afectados pelo Freddy

President announces financing of 75 million meticais for producers affected by Freddy

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, today announced the availability of a 75 million meticais funding line to support producers affected by Cyclone Freddy in the country. The amount, to be disbursed by the National Investment Bank, BNI, will be used to leverage the production chain in the provinces of Zambézia, Tete, Manica,...


President of the Republic launches today agricultural marketing campaign 2023

The President of the Republic, Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, will today, Wednesday, in Chiúta, Tete province, lead the launch ceremony for the 2023 Agricultural Marketing Campaign. According to a press release from the presidency, the head of state will also be opening the 5th National Agricultural Marketing Forum, which is being held under the slogan "Agricultural Marketing...


Mozambique attracts Spanish investment for agro-industry

The government intends to attract investment from Spanish entrepreneurs in the areas of tourism, agro-industry and manufacturing, as part of the National Programme to Industrialize Mozambique (PRONAI). To this end, a delegation represented by the Mozambican Embassy in Madrid and the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC) took part in the Africa-Spain Opportunities and Collaboration Forum,...