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15-seat "Chapas" should circulate up to 10 km in Maputo city

Semi-collective 15-seat passenger transports will circulate up to a distance of 10 kilometers in Maputo city center. The measure aims to avoid shortening routes, according to the Municipal Council. The deputy director of Mobility, Transport and Traffic in the Municipality of Maputo, Loide Massangaie, explained that the licensing of the semi-collective transport of...

Inspecção detecta indícios de contrabando de combustíveis

Inspection detects evidence of fuel smuggling

A team involving staff from the Tax Authority of Mozambique (AT) and the Ministry of Mineral Resources (MIREME) yesterday detected evidence of smuggling of fuel at some filling stations of Galp Mozambique in the city of Maputo. Domingos Muconto, Deputy Director-General of Taxes at AT, says that after an inspection activity at Galp pumps in the district of...

Elon Musk defende que chegou o momento de Trump reformar-se

Elon Musk argues it's time for Trump to retire

Tension between Tesla CEO Elon Musk and former US President Donald Trump is running high, with words exchanged after Trump spoke about Musk at a rally on Saturday in Anchorage. Following Trump's comment that deemed Musk "another bullshitter," the Tesla creator responded that it was "time...

Lançada plataforma que visa reduzir índices de corrupção na via pública

Platform launched to reduce corruption rates on public roads

The Centre for Public Integrity (CIP), a non-governmental organization (NGO), launched yesterday (Monday), in Maputo, an electronic platform that aims to allow users to consult the actual amount to be paid in case of fines and other irregularities when questioned by the authorities. The device, according to the organization's spokesperson, Baltazar Faela, will bring several benefits to users, with emphasis...

Falta de ética na gestão de negócios retrai investimentos

Lack of ethics in business management retracts investments

The lack of ethics in business management is holding back investment in the business sector, considers the member of the Superior Council of Administrative Magistracy, António Grispos, quoted by the newspaper o País. In his opinion, the sector must have integrity to promote economic growth. According to António Grispos, the country needs robust companies,...

Nampula: Servidores públicos detidos por desvio de 5 milhões de fundo da Covid 19

Nampula: Civil Servants Detained for Embezzling 5 Million from Covid Fund 19

Three public servants, whose identities were not revealed, are arrested in Nampula and accused of participation in crimes related to mismanagement of funds allocated to the fight against Covid-19, according to the director of the Office of Anti-Corruption in that point of the country, Maria Emilia Ferrão. The source cited by the newspaper Noticias said that the...

TAP quer ‘travar’ atrasos e cancelamentos

TAP wants to 'curb' delays and cancellations

The Portuguese Air Transport Company has launched a set of measures aimed at reducing the number of delays and cancellations. TAP-Transporte Aérea Portuguesa is implementing a set of measures aimed at reducing the number of delays and cancellations at a time when the aviation sector is experiencing various constraints, reports...

Empresas sem fundos para absorver castanha de caju em Nampula

Chestnut commercialization in Inhambane is far from reaching the goal

Inhambane province produced and commercialized this year more than 10 thousand tons of cashew nuts, of the little more than 19 thousand planned for the campaign 2021/2022. This quantity represents a reduction of four thousand tons compared to the same period of the 2020/2021 campaign, in which more than 14 thousand tons were produced and commercialized.