The Russell Group has revealed that the current power shortage in China has resulted in several electricity supply cuts and this could hurt about $120 billion in trade flows. The power shortage comes even after Beijing's efforts to increase the supply of coal, the main energy matrix of the...
Companies will profit USD 150 billion from container shipping this year
Shipping consultancy Drewry has revised upwards its forecast for container shipping companies' profits to $150 billion in 2021. The expectation is that in 2022 profits will be slightly better. Congested traffic and growing demand drive freight rates higher and higher, and...
DHL delivered over a billion Covid-19 vaccines
Since the start of the global vaccination campaign in December 2020, DHL has delivered more than 1 billion doses of Covid-19 vaccine to more than 160 countries. "We feel proud to be playing our part. We are currently working on different supply operations with direct deliveries in some countries," said...
Sasol builds eight classrooms at EPC 12 de Outubro
Sasol has built eight new classrooms at the 12 de Outubro Primary School in Beira City, Sofala. The company made the official handover last Tuesday (12), and the classrooms are equipped with 200 desks, tables and chairs for the teachers. This undertaking was supported by companies where Sasol...
WHO introduces team to investigate origin of coronavirus
The World Health Organization (WHO) yesterday announced the composition of the team that will investigate the origin of SARSCOV-2, which causes Covid-19, as well as new infectious viruses that may emerge. The team is composed of 26 specialists from diverse fields such as epidemiology, animal health, ecology, clinical medicine, virology, molecular bilogy, other specialists. The...
Governor of Cabo Delgado reiterates call for calm in the return of the population
The Governor of Cabo Delgado reiterates the appeal for calm and caution in the return of the populations to the areas affected by terrorism and that are now being liberated
EU and Mozambican Government today launch project for peace consolidation
The European Union and the Mozambican Government launch today, in central Mozambique, the Local Development for Peace Consolidation (Delpaz) project, an initiative budgeted at 26 million euros
Making art a profitable business
Nália Agostinho is a young Mozambican who is emerging quickly in the world of plastic arts. The artist's most recent solo exhibition, which also marks the opening of her new gallery, is on display in Maputo city. She is one of the most emerging artists in the world of plastic arts. But her contact...
Mozambique and Angola with debt over 100%
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said today that Mozambican and Angolan public debt will remain above 100% of GDP this year, with Mozambique remaining above that level also in 2022. According to the "Fiscal Monitor", presented today in Washington by the director of the fiscal affairs department and former finance minister...
Europeans want to restore more than 4 million hectares by 2030
Land deforestation is a global problem and requires global solutions. Data from the UN Economic Commission for Europe, Unece, report that deforestation and degradation has already affected more than 2 billion hectares of land worldwide. Restoring these natural areas is one of the solutions to the climate emergency...