Category: Social Responsibility

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Cabo Delgado: Eni e Parceiros da Área 4 apoiam comunidades afectadas pelo ciclone Chido

Cabo Delgado: Eni and Area 4 Partners support communities affected by Cyclone Chido

Eni Rovuma and Area 4 partners are supporting the socio-economic development of communities affected by cyclone chido in the districts of Pemba, Metuge and Mecufi, in Cabo Delgado province. The initiatives aim to improve the quality of life of vulnerable populations, while promoting long-term stability in the region, in line with...

Matola: Populares avançam com jornadas de limpeza nas vias face à época chuvosa que se avizinha

Matola: People move forward with road cleaning days in view of the upcoming rainy season

A group of residents from the city of Matola recently held clean-up days in flooded roads and houses to reduce the impact of flooding and the diseases caused by standing water. This was an initiative promoted by the Micaia Foundation, as part of the celebrations for International Volunteer Day (December 5), aimed at highlighting the impact...

Duas escolas da cidade de Maputo recebem novas infra-estruturas de saneamento e higiene

Two Maputo city schools receive new sanitation and hygiene infrastructures

Two primary schools in the country's capital are to benefit from new sanitation and hygiene infrastructures, with the aim of improving hygiene practices as well as the general learning environment, especially among girls. These are the Saul Filipe Tembe (attached classrooms) and 10 de Julho elementary school, in the KaTembe district of Maputo, which...

Fundação Clarisse Machanguana anuncia projecto de criação da academia virada para jovens

Clarisse Machanguana Foundation announces project to create youth academy

The Clarisse Machanguana Foundation wants to build an academy with the aim of maximizing the potential of children and young people in the village of Marracuene. The infrastructure, the value of which has not been revealed, will occupy an area of one hectare and will include, in the first phase, a multifunctional basketball, handball and volleyball court, offices and...

 Sofala: Crianças carenciadas de Macharote recebem kits escolares

 Sofala: Underprivileged children in Macharote receive school kits

Last Wednesday, a total of 500 vulnerable children from the Macharote community, in Sofala's Dondo district, benefited from kits of school supplies and T-shirts donated by Moza Banco. The action comes as part of the implementation of the program of visits to the provinces for actions of social responsibility and massification of financial literacy. At the...

Galp Mocambique doa 6.2 toneladas de bens alimentares a famílias vulneráveis

Galp Mocambique donates 6.2 tons of food to vulnerable families

The action is the result of the efforts of Galp volunteers, through the "Every Step Counts" initiative, which raised funds to buy food products. The products donated are equivalent to 4,000 meals, with the aim of alleviating the difficulties of the most vulnerable families. Galp Moçambique held a solidarity event to deliver...

Porto de Maputo vai investir 15 milhões de dólares em projectos de responsabilidade social

Port of Maputo to invest 15 million dollars in social responsibility projects

Sociedade de Desenvolvimento do Porto de Maputo (MPDC) is to invest 15 million dollars in social responsibility projects, revealed the Director General, Osório Lucas. As he explained recently in a meeting with journalists, this is an investment in addition to the new Port of Maputo concession addendum, valued at just over 2.6 billion...

Mais de 500 alunos beneficiam de reabilitação de escola básica no Dondo

More than 500 pupils benefit from rehabilitation of basic school in Dondo

On February 15, the Fábrica de Explosivos de Moçambique (FEM) and the Dondo Municipal Council handed over eight classrooms - five rehabilitated and three new - to the 25 de Setembro Basic School, located in the Mafarinha neighborhood of Dondo, Sofala Province. The work, a partnership between the Municipal...

Fundação Al Muhsinin: Um Farol de Solidariedade e Ajuda Humanitária

Al Muhsinin Foundation: A Beacon of Solidarity and Humanitarian Aid

On the humanitarian scene, the Al Muhsinin Foundation stands out as a true beacon of hope and solidarity. Under the exemplary leadership of Abdul Hannan Hajat, this organization has tirelessly dedicated itself to improving lives, not only in Mozambique, but beyond the country's borders. The remarkable initiative of organizing humanitarian aid through donations reflects the vision and...