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Megaprojects earn the state 15.5 billion meticais in the first semester

Data recently released by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), in the State Budget Execution Report (REO), from January to June 2021, indicate that the contribution of the Megaprojects to the treasury was 15.5 billion Meticais in the first semester of the current year, a growth of 57.9% compared to the same period in 2020, when the State pocketed 9.8 billion Meticais


Learn which technologies are essential to empower hybrid teams

The past year has significantly impacted work models and, consequently, the way people are empowered. As the world moves towards a post-pandemic scenario, nine out of ten organizations in the world will adopt a hybrid model, according to a study by consulting firm McKinsey, cited by the "Human Resources" portal.