Author: Emidio Massacola (Emidio Massacola)

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PR inaugura linha ferroviária duplicada de Ressano Garcia

PR inaugurates duplicated Ressano Garcia railway line

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, today inaugurated the duplicated line of the Ressano Garcia railway terminal (Phase 1) and the expanded passenger terminal, in the city of Maputo, as part of the 129th anniversary of the Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM) company. "With this project, the Ressano Garcia Line will meet the demand for...

INCM não demonstra evidências de concorrência desleal entre Tmcel, Vodacom e Movitel

INCM shows no evidence of unfair competition between Tmcel, Vodacom and Movitel

INCM resorts to strategy of not specifying legal bases for imposing new tariffs INCM presents no evidence of anti-competitive tariff practices between the three telephone operators in the country The Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC) says that the National Communications Institute of Mozambique (INCM) is acting irregularly within its...

Governo diz não haver condições para decretar Estado de Emergência em Cabo Delgado

Government says there are no conditions to declare a State of Emergency in Cabo Delgado

The spokesman for the Council of Ministers said today in Maputo that there are no conditions to decree a State of Emergency in the province of Cabo Delgado, which is witnessing an upsurge in terrorist attacks. "It is not yet understood that conditions have been created to decree a State of Emergency or State of Siege in Cabo Delgado....

Terrorismo: Últimos ataques levaram à fuga de mais de 67 mil pessoas em Cabo Delgado

Terrorism: Latest attacks led to more than 67,000 people fleeing Cabo Delgado

The latest terrorist attacks have led 67,321 people to move from their areas of origin in Cabo Delgado province to safer places, the spokesman for the Council of Ministers said today. According to Filmão Suaze, the figure corresponds to 14,270 families who have sought refuge in the district of Eráti, in the border province of Nampula,...

Porto de Maputo vai investir 15 milhões de dólares em projectos de responsabilidade social

Port of Maputo to invest 15 million dollars in social responsibility projects

Sociedade de Desenvolvimento do Porto de Maputo (MPDC) is to invest 15 million dollars in social responsibility projects, revealed the Director General, Osório Lucas. As he explained recently in a meeting with journalists, this is an investment in addition to the new Port of Maputo concession addendum, valued at just over 2.6 billion...

​Governo em zona de penumbra sobre destino da FMA na gestão da LAM

Government in grey area over FMA's fate in LAM management

The government has reservations about moving forward with the possible decision on whether or not Fly Modern Ark (FMA) will continue to manage Mozambique Airlines (LAM). "Regarding the renewal or conclusion of the contract, I say that these are aspects that are under discussion. There are very critical details. As a government, we understand that they need to be...

Combate aos raptos: CTA sugere revisão do estatuto do SERNIC e aposta em IA

Combating kidnappings: CTA suggests revising SERNIC's statute and betting on AI

The President of the Economic Associations of Mozambique - CTA, Agostinho Vuma, suggested, on Thursday (22), in Maputo, strategies to combat kidnappings and abductions, including revising the organic statute of the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC), creating a specific force and investing in the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). According to the representative...

Desempenho empresarial regista avanço tímido no último trimestre de 2023, segundo a CTA

Business performance registers timid advance in the last quarter of 2023, according to CTA

The Business Robustness Index in Mozambique advanced by one percentage point in the last quarter of 2023, standing at 30%, compared to 29% in the previous quarter, the President of the Economic Associations - CTA revealed today. "This performance, although higher than the previous quarter, is quite fragile," said Agostinho Vuma, at the presentation of the 14th edition of the...