Tag: Maputo Port

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“Estamos certos”: Ministro Magala responde às críticas sobre a extensão do contrato de concessão do Porto de Maputo

"We are right": Minister Magala responds to criticism of the extension of the Port of Maputo concession contract

The Minister of Transport and Communications, Mateus Magala, believes that civil society's interpretation of the extension of the Port of Maputo concession contract is incorrect because the government is still in office. http://896.424.mywebsitetransfer.com/porto-de-maputo-governo-autoriza-investimentos-de-mais-de-dois-mil-milhoes-de-dolares/ Civil society is questioning the rationale that led the government, already at the end of its mandate, to...

MPDC renova o contrato de serviços com a P&O Maritime Logistics

MPDC renews service contract with P&O Maritime Logistics

Sociedade de Desenvolvimento do Porto de Maputo (MPDC) has renewed its maritime services contract with P&O Maritime Logistics, a leading international provider of maritime solutions, according to a company statement sent to our newsroom. Through its subsidiary company, P&O Maritime Moçambique S.A., it has played a vital role in the operations of...