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Mozambique records production surplus - Rede Fews

The Famine Early Warning Network (Fews Network) says that Mozambique contains surplus production in existing barns and is available in local markets. The Fews Network report, "Mozambique Food Security Outlook" comes at a time when the start of a new agricultural campaign is just around the corner, and reveals that currently the risk...


COP26: Abandon fossil fuels and invest in renewables

The United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26) was, yesterday, dominated by the theme of energy, aiming for a phase-out of fossil sources while making the transition to electricity production from renewable sources in order to achieve climate change containment targets. In the...


PayTech, Mozambique's first listed fintech

The Mozambican fintech, PayTech, SA, which specializes in developing web and mobile solutions for digital payments, was the first to be admitted to the Mozambique Stock Exchange (BVM), on October 18, 2021. According to BVM, one hundred thousand ordinary, nominative and book-entry shares, with a unit par value of...


Cement is 50 meticais more expensive

The price of construction cement is 50 meticais more expensive in the cities of Maputo and Matola after a slight price decrease in May this year, caused by the entry into operation of the Dugongo Mozambique factory. The price of cement has been rising since the last fortnight of October, and...