Activists from the Friends of the Earth organization have launched a public petition for the British government to halt investment and about a billion dollars in the Total-led gas project in Mozambique. The petition points to the fact that the executive led by Boris Johnsosn has pledged to contain the...
Government considers that the International conference "Growing Blue" produced the expected results
Government reveals that the second edition of the International Conference "Growing Blue" produced the expected results in the framework of ocean preservation and the creation of the blue economy. According to the Minister of the Sea, Inland Waters and Fisheries, Augusta Maíta, the sharing of experiences from other countries in the sustainable use of the oceans, combined with the local reality...
Windstorm destroys about 56 homes in Gaza
About 56 houses were totally or partially destroyed in the districts of Guijá, Chigubo and Chicualacuala, following bad weather registered last Thursday in Gaza province. According to the spokesperson of the National Institute for Management and Disaster Risk Reduction (INGD) in Gaza, Bonifácio Cardoso, preliminary data also indicate the...
Government considers the resumption of alcohol tests for motorists irreversible
Government reiterates that the resumption of alcohol tests for motorists, suspended due to covid-19, is irreversible throughout the country. According to the Deputy Minister of Transport and Communications, Manuela Ribeiro, this is the only way to reduce the number of drivers who take to the roads under the influence of alcohol, a situation that has been...
Government extends vaccination deadline to December 20
The government, through the Ministry of Health (MISAU) decided to extend until December 20 the deadline for mass vaccination against Covid-19. This is a campaign that started on October 20, and was initially supposed to end on the 27th of this month. In a statement, the Ministry of Health indicates that during the...
Senami prevents the entry of 28 foreigners in Mozambique
The National Migration Service (Senami) has not authorized the issuance of visas to 28 foreigners, having been retained in Tete province, due to irregularities in the provision of statements on what motivated them to come to Mozambique. According to the spokeswoman of Senami in Tete, Amélia Direito, the case concerns false declarations given in the...
France-Presse and Google reach agreement
This Wednesday, it was announced by Google and France-Presse that they have reached an agreement, after 18 months of negotiations, in which Google commits to pay for the use of France Presse's content for the past five years. The amount AFP will receive was not disclosed. "This is an agreement that ...
New CNN Portugal channel starts broadcasting on Monday
CNN Portugal will be launched this Monday, November 22nd, to replace TVI24 as the Media Capital group's information channel. The channel will debut six months after the announcement. According to sources, Nuno Santos, who was TVI's general director until then, is the first director of CNN Portugal.
Minister of Labor heads IGT Advisory Board
Under the slogan "Labour Legality", the Minister of Labour and Social Security, Margarida Talapa, leads this Monday, in Maputo City, the official opening of the IV Consultative Council of the General Labour Inspectorate (IGT). The meeting will take place at 8.30am at Indy Village and aims to evaluate the performance of the institution and consolidate the action...
UN highlights that the sea is Mozambique's greatest resource
"The sea is the greatest resource that the country has," says the United Nations Resident Representative in Mozambique, Mayrta Kaulard, who also advocates a focus on science and innovation for sustainable economic development. "The oceans are the greatest resource that Mozambique has and they are also a resource that, if well...