Category: Latest

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IPG wins tender to import fuel for Mozambique

The Kuwaiti company, Independent Petroleum Group (IPG), was recently awarded the tender to import fuel into Mozambique for a period of six months, from January to June 2022, according to a source from the Mozambican Oil Importer (IMOPETRO). IPG submitted the lowest bid for the tender in mid-December...


NGO launches petition against the installation of tolls on the Maputo Ring Road

The Mozambican non-governmental organization (NGO), Center for Democracy and Development (CDD), has launched a "Petition of Motion of Censure against the Government of Mozambique", for the installation of tolls on the Maputo ring road, whose beginning of charges for circulation taxes already announced start on February 1, 2022. The intention of the CDD is...


Amazon premieres $465 million "Lord of the Rings" series

Amazon has created a series based on "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy that already has a name and a premiere date, and has grossed about $465 million in its first season. Our sources advance that the series takes a step back in time thousands of years before the events of the trilogy. From...


President of the Republic inaugurates Mitande power grid in Niassa

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, will this Friday inaugurate the electricity grid of the administrative post of Mitande, Mandimba district, in continuation of his two-day visit to Niassa province. The population of the administrative post of Mitande expects development in several areas, with the entry of energy from the national grid. According to...


Another individual involved in the theft at the International Terminal has been arrested

Another individual was arrested in connection with the case of tax evasion involving some Customs officials, customs brokers and businessmen of various economic activities in the city of Maputo. It is a customs broker, of Malian nationality, whose arrest was made this Wednesday, in South Africa, after diligences around the criminal case...