Category: National

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Sea Terminal Fraud with Senior Customs Officials Involved

"Senior" officials from Mozambique Customs were arrested Monday on suspicion of participating in the embezzlement of US$18.6 million at the Maputo International Maritime Terminal. The Attorney General's Office (PGR) says it learned of the mega fraud scheme through "a complaint of the issuance of an exemption of customs charges budgeted at 18.6...


Absa reopens Mueda branch one year later

Absa Bank Mozambique reopened today the branch in Mueda district, Cabo Delgado province, which was closed for over a year due to the instability that has conditioned the normal exercise of the banking activity. Pedro Carvalho, Retail and Business banking director, said that for Absa it is a satisfaction to be able to continue...


Tolls on the Maputo Ring Road already have rates and a starting date for collection

The Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources and the Ministry of Economy and Finance ordered the publication of the rates to be applied to the four new tolls on the Maputo ring road, effective from 25 January 2022. The ministerial order, published last Friday (14), in the Bulletin of the Republic, First Series -...