The vaccines from Johnson & Johnson and Verocel are being studied by the National Institute of Health (INS) for possible combined administration. The first targets of the clinical trials will be 360 unvaccinated people between 18 and 65 years old in the capital of Mozambique, Maputo. The idea of the combined use of these vaccines aims...
EDM expands electricity grid to three more administrative posts in Manica
Three more administrative posts will be illuminated on the national grid electricity base by 2023 in the province of Manica. These are the administrative posts of Save, in Machaze district, Chiurairwe, in Mossurize, and Mandie, in Guro. The announcement was made this Thursday in Chimoio, by the director of the company Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) area of...
MINEDH guarantees schoolbook distribution only in mid-February
The distribution of textbooks for the National Education System is delayed, two weeks before the official start of the 2022 school year. The Ministry of Education and Human Development (MINEDH) assumes the fact, linking it to factors such as the Covid-19 pandemic that makes it difficult to acquire the textbooks and transport them into the country, by...
Brithol's lawyer says suspension of letters is INATRO's internal problem
The lawyer for Brithol Michcoma, the company that held the contract with the National Institute of Land Transport (INATTER), now the National Institute of Land Transport (INATRO), Rodrigo Rocha, told MZNews that the suspension of the issuance of driver's licenses is not Brithol's problem, but INATRO's internal problem. "So this is not the problem....
ANE moves forward with the replacement of the roads destroyed by the rain
The National Roads Administration is working for the rapid restoration of trafficability on roads cut by rains in the provinces of Maputo, Gaza and Tete. These are, according to the National Roads Administration (ANE), the roads R406 Catuane-Filipe, R413 Maragra-Calanga and Machubo, in Maputo, the R455 Chicualacula-Pafuri, N222 Mapai-Pafuri, Manjague-Punguine, Chate-Maloluane and Mabalane-Natimamba, in Gaza,...
Industrial sector recovers in the last two quarters of 2021 - INE
The National Statistics Institute (INE) announced that confidence in the industrial and energy and water distribution sector rebounded markedly in the last two quarters of last year, with a margin of two more points in the last three months. INE's data indicate that in the third quarter the sector's balance...
Suspension of issuing driving licenses: Brithol Michcoma blames INATRO
Brithol Michcoma, the company that had been contracted by the National Institute of Land Transport (INATTER) for the provision of biometric driving licence production services informed through the communiqué that the suspension of biometric driving licence printing is due to non-compliance, i.e. lack of payment by INATTER for the...
The Tax Authority wants to collect revenues from informal activities
The Autoridade Tributária (AT) intends to set as a goal for this year the increase of 10% in the total value of revenue acquired in 2021 (more than 278 billion meticais) and this is through the collection of contributions from informal activities, including garimpo, according to the President of the institution. "There is the revenue. We have problems with...
EDM projects to electrify all administrative posts in Tete in eight years
All the administrative posts in the province of Tete will be electrified in the next eight years. The guarantee was given by the director of the company Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) who also revealed that the energization of those regions will be done both with the national energy as well as through solar panels. According to Carlos Muhoro, at this moment there are 10...
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa visits Mozambique from the 20th to the 23rd of this month
The Portuguese Parliament authorized the request for a trip of President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa to Mozambique, between 20 and 23 of this month, announced this Thursday the Official Gazette. The Head of State sent a letter to the President of the Portuguese Parliament, in which he requested the Parliament's authorization to travel to...