Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)

Combate ao terrorismo: SG da Frelimo reconhece empenho e heroicidade da força local

Fight against terrorism: Frelimo SG recognizes commitment and heroism of local force

Frelimo yesterday paid tribute to the local force made up of Combatants of the National Liberation Struggle who voluntarily joined the Armed Defense Forces of Mozambique to fight terrorism in some districts of Cabo Delgado province. According to a press release, the tribute was paid by the Secretary General of Frelimo, Roque Silva, for whom...

Israel lança ataque contra o Irã, diz imprensa dos EUA

Israel launches attack on Iran, says US press

Israel launched an attack on Iran, the US press reported on Thursday evening (16), citing a US official. According to The New York Times, Israeli authorities confirmed the attack on condition of anonymity. Explosions were heard near a military base. This attack comes in retaliation after...

Agentes do SISE ameaçam Jornalistas em Nacala-à-Velha

SISE agents threaten journalists in Nacala-à-Velha

Journalists from Rádio Comunitária Ehale, in Nacala-à-Velha, are being threatened by agents from the State Information and Security Services (SISE) and other police forces. The threats come allegedly because they reported that some Frelimo party secretaries were passing on statements and nominal lists of alleged party members to...

UE dá um nega a Moçambique a um novo empréstimo de 20 milhoes de euros para tropas ruandesas

EU denies Mozambique a new 20 million euro loan for Rwandan troops

Mozambique saw its request for a loan of 20 million euros denied by some members of the European Union because they considered the request to be inappropriate. The request was made without the knowledge of the Assembly of the Republic. The amount, according to reports in the national press, would be used to support the Rwandan army, which is operating alongside the...

Renamo denuncia recenseamento de 17 mil “fantasmas” em Massinga -CIP

Renamo denounces census of 17,000 "ghosts" in Massinga -CIP

Renamo, in the Massinga district of Inhambane, accuses electoral bodies of falsifying polling data and registering people who are not of active voting age to take part in the October 9 elections, reports the CIP Political Process Bulletin. According to the CIP Bulletin, Renamo has also denounced the existence of young outsiders...

Universidade Politécnica pode desempenhar lugar de relevo na prevenção dos efeitos das mudanças climáticas, defende especialista

Polytechnic University can play an important role in preventing the effects of climate change, says expert

The Polytechnic University, in coordination with other higher education institutions and scientists, can play a very important role in raising the level of understanding of society's risk by creating research centers that produce knowledge that can be applied to preventing the effects of climate change. The suggestion was made on Wednesday...

AT apreende bebida alcoólica avaliada em mais de 2 milhões de meticais

AT seizes alcohol worth more than 2 million meticais

The Mozambican Tax Authority (AT) has intercepted around 3,000 cases of contraband alcoholic beverages valued at more than two million meticais from neighboring South Africa. According to the newspaper "O País", the contraband alcoholic drinks were seized inside a warehouse in Matola. According to the authorities...

Caso fique provado: Governo promete punição exemplar aos agentes que extorquiram turistas sul africanos

If proven: Government promises exemplary punishment for agents who extorted South African tourists

The Minister of Culture and Tourism, Eldevina Materula, confirmed a few days ago that the government is investigating the case of extortion of South African tourists on the island of Mozambique. "We received this complaint from a South African citizen with some concern. Immediately, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism interacted with the Ministry of the Interior...