Author: José Caetano (José Caetano)

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 Nyusi diz que as instituições estão prontas para o pleito eleitoral

 Nyusi says institutions are ready for elections

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, said a few moments ago that the Constitutional Council, the judicial courts and the National Electoral Commission are prepared to deal with the electoral process without constraints, observing the current legislation on the matter, writes Notícias. Nyusi was speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the judicial court buildings in the districts...

Antigo PGR diz que MP deve intimar partidos que usam meios do Estado

Former PGR says MP should subpoena parties that use state resources

The former Attorney General of the Republic (PGR), Joaquim Madeira, says that the Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) should summon political parties that use state resources to explain themselves. Quoted in a publication in the newspaper "O País", Madeira believes that where it is proven that electoral offenses have been committed, the Public Prosecutor's Office should act...

Artistas defendem para a preservação  do legado de Dilon Djindji

Artists advocate for the preservation of Dilon Djindji's legacy

Roberto Isaias and Stewart Sukuma defend the preservation of Dilon Djindji's music as a way of safeguarding his legacy. The artists were reacting to the death of the Mozambican musician in the early hours of this morning at Maputo Central Hospital from a long illness. Roberto Isaías, one of the lead singers of Kapa Dech, shared his last memory with...

Mondlane acusa a Frelimo de ser responsável por décadas de corrupção e desigualdade social

Mondlane accuses Frelimo of being responsible for decades of corruption and social inequality

Presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane is continuing his election campaign in Tete province, Macanga district, where he was welcomed by a crowd of people. Like himself, with an explosive and direct speech, Mondlane accused Frelimo, the party that has ruled the country for almost half a century, of being responsible for corruption...

Cimentos de Moçambique anuncia plano de investimento de USD 60 milhões para modernização de sua fábrica no Dondo

Cimentos de Moçambique announces USD 60 million investment plan to modernize its plant in Dondo

Cimentos de Moçambique (CM) announced today an investment plan worth 60 million US dollars to modernize and increase the production capacity of its plant in Sofala province, located in the municipality of Dondo. The modernization includes the installation of a modern and efficient clinker kiln as well as a new mill...

Moçambique já pode exportar medicamentos

Mozambique can now export medicines

Mozambique can now export medicines anywhere in the world, with the World Health Organization (WHO) awarding pre-qualification for international production to the National Medicines Factory. According to Notícias, the National Medicines Factory, which produces more than a billion doses a year, has just received a...

Morreu Dilon Djindji, o rei da Marrabenta

Dilon Djindji, the king of Marrabenta, has died

Musician Dilon Djindji, king of marrabenta, lost his life at the age of 97 in the early hours of Wednesday morning at Maputo Central Hospital. The marrabenta icon had been hospitalized for a few months, undergoing intensive care at Mavalane General Hospital and later at HCM. The musician lost his life at midnight...

Lutero Simango promete melhorar a vida da população em Nampula

Lutero Simango promises to improve people's lives in Nampula

The MDM's presidential candidate, Lutero Simango, worked yesterday in Murrupula, Alto Molócuè and Milange, where he asked for votes in exchange for better living conditions for the population. "We're going to free the civil servants. To be a director, you won't have to belong to a party. Skills will be required of you. In my government, I am...

Glória da Conceição Adamo é a nova Directora do GCCC

Glória da Conceição Adamo is the new Director of the GCCC

Glória da Conceição Adamo was sworn in on Monday in Maputo as the new Director of the Central Office for Combating Corruption. During her swearing-in, Beatriz Buchili, the Attorney General of the Republic, highlighted Glória da Conceição Adamo's experience in the judiciary, which she said raises expectations that she will carry out the duties she has been...