AT seizes alcohol worth more than 2 million meticais

AT apreende bebida alcoólica avaliada em mais de 2 milhões de meticais

The Mozambican Tax Authority (AT) has intercepted around 3,000 cases of contraband alcoholic beverages valued at more than two million meticais from neighboring South Africa.

According to the newspaper "O País", the contraband alcoholic drinks were seized inside a warehouse in Matola.

According to the customs authorities quoted by the newspaper, the beneficiaries of the drinks were small stalls and grocery stores in the city and province of Maputo, a business that would defraud the state of 1.5 million meticais in customs duties.

"The group incorporates various schemes to disguise goods with the intention of smuggling, in addition to these indicators, the drink has no seal, in violation of ministerial decree 64/2021, which requires all goods destined for Mozambique to be sealed," said Fernando Tinga, spokesman for the Mozambique Tax Authority.

The source of the merchandise belongs to a group of women, made up of eight individuals who claim to work in connection with a South African network. Although they claim it is the first time, they admit the illegality of the product. However, the women claim ownership of the product intercepted by the authorities inside a warehouse located in the municipality of Matola.

"We know it's illegal because we don't pay customs duties, but the product is ours because we bought it with our own money and we can prove it with receipts," said one of the members of the group.

Data from the Tax Authority indicates that the country loses more than 61 million meticais due to the smuggling of various products, especially alcoholic beverages

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