The President of the Republic asked on Monday, 08, young people to bet on agricultural production as part of the solution to unemployment. Filipe Nyusi also considered that the high cost of living cannot be fought with the adoption of administrative measures such as reducing VAT. The Mozambican Head of State called the attention of the youth...
Category: Agriculture
Food situation in Mozambique improved between May and August
Mozambique reduced between May and August this year, from 9.8 to 7.2 million, the number of people living at high risk of hunger, according to data released by the World Food Program (WFP), an agency of the United Nations (UN). It means that 2.6 million Mozambicans are no longer threatened by food insecurity, a...
Mozambique registers a reduction in the negative trend of the agricultural trade balance
Mozambique is reducing the negative trend of the agricultural trade balance, with the increase of production and exports. The fact was announced this Wednesday in Milange by the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, at the inauguration ceremony of the Silos Complex and warehouses in Milange, Zambezia. Filipe Nyusi explained that in the first half of this year
Importing wheat may become more expensive this semester, but the impact can be circumvented
The recent grain import agreement reached between Russia and Ukraine will in no way be able to reduce the cost of importing wheat, but according to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company Silos and Grain Terminal of Matola (STEMA), the mills can circumvent the negative impact. The mills should be quick to purchase...
Mozambique increases production of certified seeds
Mozambique has increased production of certified seeds by 18% in the 2021-2022 agricultural campaign reaching 12,000 tons against just over 10,000 tons in the previous campaign, said Tuesday the government spokesman. Speaking at the usual briefing after the Council of Ministers meeting, Filimão Suaze said that this increase in...
The circulation of adulterated seeds increases in Mozambique
A total of 49 adulterated or low-quality seed varieties were detected in the country in 2020, up from 11 in 2016, according to the National Seed Report in Mozambique. Most cases were in Maputo, Manica and Nampula provinces. The data from the study of the African Seed Access Index (TASAI) were presented, ago...
Zambezi Valley to install about 25 processing units
More than 25 processing units will be installed by 2024, by the Zambezi Valley Development Agency, as part of the materialization of a memorandum of understanding signed in May, in Songo town, between the governors of Sofala, Manica, Tete and Zambézia. For this purpose, the governors of the provinces of Sofala, Manica, Tete, and Zambézia met last week in the city of Tete...
Mozambique maintains the number of corn producers
The number of public producers of maize in Mozambique did not change between 2016 and 2020, according to data contained in a report presented today in Maputo. Meanwhile, there was a slight increase in the number of rice and soybean seed breeders and a reduction in demand for cowpea seeds. It was noted, during the same period in reference, a greater involvement of the...
Chestnut commercialization in Inhambane is far from reaching the goal
Inhambane province produced and commercialized this year more than 10 thousand tons of cashew nuts, of the little more than 19 thousand planned for the campaign 2021/2022. This quantity represents a reduction of four thousand tons compared to the same period of the 2020/2021 campaign, in which more than 14 thousand tons were produced and commercialized.
More than 200,000 cashew trees at risk of disappearing in Cabo Delgado
More than 200 thousand cashew seedlings, which are in the nursery for the production of this vegetative material, in Nanduli, Ancuabe district, in Cabo Delgado, are at risk of being lost, due to the lack of assistance, caused by the flight of technical staff, since the terrorist attack on June 5th. The nursery, located about...