More than 270 thousand rural farmers will benefit, until next December, from a credit line of 72 million dollars, to stimulate their activity, according to an official source connected to the project. The project, which is implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, is financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development ....
Category: Agriculture
IPEME entrusts Gapi with the management and operation of a feed mill
The Institute for the Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (IPEME) and Gapi have signed this Monday morning, September 12th, at the Private Office of the Ministry of Finance, a public deed for the cession and exploitation of a manufacturing enterprise located in the District of Chimbonila, Niassa Province. Initialed by the representatives of these two...
Mozambique and Portugal seek strategies to innovate in agriculture
Mozambique and Portugal are working to identify strategies to innovate and technologically develop agriculture so that a greater number of young people join this sector of activity. To this end, the Young Farmers Association of Portugal (AJAP) organized on Wednesday in Maputo, a Forum on Quality and Agri-Food Sustainability, focusing on the...
Mozambique bets on wheat production
Mozambique will take advantage of the ecological potential of Tete and Niassa provinces, in the center and north of the country, respectively, to invest in wheat production, as announced today, the President of the Republic (PR). Filipe Nyusi, who was speaking on the sidelines of the opening of the first symposium on agricultural research in Mozambique, at KaTembe, said that the first steps in the...
Government makes three billion meticais available for agrarian research
The Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique (IIAM) will benefit from an investment of three billion meticais, in the next two and a half years, for the improvement of infrastructures of vaccine research and seed production fields, with the objective of increasing agricultural production in the country, announced today, in Maputo, the President of the...
Maputo hosts today agrarian research symposium
Starts this morning in the municipal district of KaTembe, Maputo city, the first national symposium on agricultural research, event in which will be presented the results of research conducted on various cash crops. The opening of the event will be directed by the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, and a mid-term balance sheet of the...
Gaza entrepreneurs challenged to invest in agro-processing
The Prime Minister, Adriano Maleiane, challenges the businessmen of Gaza province to invest in the rice and vegetables processing, in order to avoid post-harvest wastes and stimulate the local production. Adriano Maleiane said that it is the business role to invest in agro-processing, in order to close the value chain of the agricultural production. Maleiane was thus reacting to the information...
Nyusi inaugurates corn processing plant valued at 130 million meticals
The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, will today inaugurate a factory for processing corn and other cereals in the province of Nampula. The venture results from a proven investment budgeted at 130 million meticais. The enterprise is already operational since 2020, absorbing part of the quantities of corn produced in northern Mozambique, mainly from...
Excess banana leads producers to abandon the cultivation of the crop
The unsustainability of the banana crop is leading more than 2,000 producers in the town of Munguinea, in Manhiça district, Maputo province, to abandon the cultivation of the crop. The producers say they are registering significant losses of bananas and other crops, according to Radio Mozambique. With this the producers...
PR inaugurates cooking oil extraction and refining plant
The President of the Republic (PR), Filipe Nyusi, inaugurated today a factory for extracting and refining cooking oil in the city of Cuamba, in Niassa province. It is estimated that the factory unit will produce three million liters per year. "Every producer knows that his product has a place here, including soybeans. For this plant...