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Governo vai encerrar mineradoras que não pagam imposto

Government to close down mining companies that don't pay tax

The government is going to close down mining companies that don't pay surface taxes. Those affected have up to 15 days to regularize their situation. The Secretary of State for Mining, Jorge Daudo, said, as quoted by "O País", that the measure is aimed above all at ensuring the sustainability and organization of the sector. "The truth is that we are...

China envia locomotivas de combustão interna para Moçambique

China sends internal combustion locomotives to Mozambique

Three internal combustion locomotives manufactured in China by CRRC Ziyang Co. and specially designed to meet operating conditions in Africa were officially shipped to Mozambique on March 10. Developed independently by CRRC Ziyang Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of CRRC Corporation Limited, these units mark the first time that a...

“Financiamento dos EUA abre perspectivas para retoma do projecto GNL em Moçambique” – Fitch Ratings

"US funding opens up prospects for resumption of LNG project in Mozambique" - Fitch Ratings

The approval of a 4.7 billion dollar loan for TotalEnergies' liquefied natural gas (LNG) venture in Mozambique, if confirmed, will improve the prospects for the resumption of the huge project, which could have multiple positive benefits for Mozambique in the medium term, says Fitch Ratings. According to a publication by the agency...

Cabo Delgado: Projecto da TotalEnergies esconde reais interesses e questões geopolíticas

Cabo Delgado: TotalEnergies project hides real interests and geopolitical issues

The optimism of the resumption of the TotalEnergies project in Cabo Delgado province masks the real geopolitical interests and issues, according to the Center for Public Integrity (CIP). In this sense, the Civil Society Organization (CSO) defends a critical tripartite view of the implications of the multinational's return on the possible effects on politics, the economy and...

Moçambique quer partilhar experiência da Namíbia na indústria extractiva

Mozambique wants to share Namibia's experience in the extractive industry

Mozambique will work with the Namibian authorities to exchange experiences regarding legislation in the extractive industry sector, including the construction of infrastructure and access roads, agriculture and others. This was announced by the Mozambican statesman, Daniel Chapo, at a press conference held last Friday (21) in the Namibian capital, Windhoek,...

PR saúda apoio dos EUA ao maior projecto energético do país

PR welcomes US support for country's biggest energy project

The President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, sent a message to the President of the United States of America (USA), Donald Trump, expressing his appreciation for the decision of the Board of Directors of the US Exim Bank to approve financing of 4.7 billion dollars for the Mozambique LNG Project. Daniel Chapo pointed out that the amount that will be disbursed...