Category: Economy

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IMOPETRO procura novo fornecedor de combustíveis para o país

IMOPETRO seeks new fuel supplier for the country

The Mozambican Oil Importer (IMOPETRO) has launched an international tender to find a new fuel supplier for the country from next April. The quantities planned for import should ensure the availability of gasoline, diesel and JET for a period of six months. An IMOPETRO source quoted by Notícias said that there is...

Conflitos pós-eleitorais levaram à maior queda da actividade empresarial nacional

Post-election conflicts led to the biggest drop in national business activity

The post-election conflicts intensified the losses of Mozambican companies, leading them to record, in December 2024, the worst economic contraction since August 2020, according to Standard Bank's Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI). "Mozambican private sector companies reported a further deterioration in their conditions in the last month of 2024, with the...

Empresas isentas ao pagamento de multa

Companies exempt from paying fines

For a period of six months, starting today, the Competition Regulatory Authority (ARC) is exempting companies that have carried out mergers without proper notification to the ARC (gun-jumping) from paying fines until December 31, 2024. Company mergers are subject to prior notification to the ARC...

EDM lamenta depósito de lixo nas suas instalações e diz que apenas “cobra taxa para o município”

EDM regrets depositing garbage on its premises and says it only "charges a fee to the municipality"

The company Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) is appealing to the population not to litter on its premises, saying that the action "limits the access and movement of employees and customers, as well as the circulation of vehicles from the Piquete for the transportation of materials and technical teams". In a statement released yesterday, Saturday (04), Electricidade...

Crise pós-eleitoral em Moçambique deixa empresários sem estratégias de recuperação

Mozambique's post-election crisis leaves entrepreneurs without recovery strategies

The growing political instability in the country has made it difficult for companies affected by the recent wave of violence and looting to recover, leaving some entrepreneurs without a clear strategy for resuming their activities. According to a report in the newspaper "O País", the scenario of uncertainty jeopardizes investments, puts jobs at risk and leaves strategic sectors of the economy in a...

UEM adia a realização dos exames de admissão referentes ao ano lectivo 2025

EMU postpones entrance exams for the 2025 academic year

Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), the largest and oldest higher education institution in the country, has announced the postponement of the entrance exams for the 2025 academic year, citing "reasons of force majeure". The exams, which were due to take place next week, have also been postponed to a date yet to be announced at Universidade Lúrio (UniLúrio)...

Sasol retoma actividades após a paralisação provocada pelas manifestações

Sasol resumes activities after the stoppage caused by the demonstrations

South African petrochemical company Sasol, which exploits natural gas in the province of Inhambane, is operating normally, after the stoppage caused by the demonstrations that have been taking place since last October. According to a report in the newspaper Notícias, which quotes the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Silvino Moreno, the problem that culminated in the...

Rússia corta gás à Europa

Russia cuts off gas to Europe

Russian state giant Gazprom decided yesterday (31) to cut off gas supplies to Europe via Ukraine, the sector's national regulator confirmed, making an increase in current prices almost certain. According to the French news agency, France-Presse (AFP), GTSOU posted on its website a forecast of zero cubic meters...