Category: Economy

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Banco Mundial vai disponibilizar 70 mil milhões para os países pobres

World Bank to provide 70 billion for poor countries

The World Bank (WB) announced at the end of last week that it will make 70 billion dollars available to help the poorest countries achieve development. The WB said that the amount could be reached after a group of developed countries promised to increase their contribution. According to a note published...

BM passa a ser auditado pelo TA

BM to be audited by TA

Banco de Moçambique (BM) and other public companies will now be audited by the Administrative Court (TA), as a result of the revision of the law that approves the organization, functioning and procedures of the public accounts section of the Administrative Court. According to the government, this law, which was revised on Friday morning, eight years...

Empresas sem fundos para absorver castanha de caju em Nampula

Cabo Delgado: more than 6,000 tons of cashew nuts left illegally for Tanzania

More than six thousand tons of cashew nuts have illegally left the country for the United Republic of Tanzania, across the Rovuma border. The information was given to Zumbo FM Notícias by the Provincial Delegate of the Almond Institute of Mozambique in Cabo Delgado, Domingos Armando Guissemo. "Around 6,600 tons were transported to Tanzania...

Aumento de temperatura pode levar à queda do PIB mundial

Rising temperatures could lead to a drop in global GDP

A study published in the scientific journal Nature Climate Change reveals that the world could lose around 10% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) if global temperatures rise by 3°C. "If we take into account that warmer years also bring changes in rainfall and temperature variability, it turns out that the estimated impact...

Mphanda Nkuwa procura financiamento nos EUA

Mphanda Nkuwa seeks funding in the US

The Director of the Mpanda Nkuwa Hydroelectric Project, Carlos Yum, revealed that he has shared the project's progress with the World Bank (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in order to seek funding. Quoted by Notícias, Yum said that the state's participation in the project should be seen in the long term, with the prospect of...