Category: Economy

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João Machatine defende abordagem integrada em volta a polémica sobre as taxas de portagens

João Machatine defends integrated approach to toll controversy

The executive coordinator of the Office of Reforms and Structuring Projects, João Osvaldo Machatine, believes that the discussion on the problem involving the cost of tolls in the country has to be done in an integrated manner, placing the issue of the tariffs charged and the real income of the Mozambican population on the same line. According to...

Governo pondera subsidiar o pagamento de portagens para transportadores público

Government considers subsidizing tolls for public transport operators

The Mozambican government intends to subsidize the payment of tolls for public passenger transport, as a way of reducing its costs following the vandalization of these infrastructures. The issue is the "tug-of-war" between transport operators and road concessionaires that has been going on since the announcement in January that the toll would be...

Alienação da LAM ao SEE agrava risco fiscal e periga a transparência na gestão pública

LAM's sale to SEE aggravates fiscal risk and jeopardizes transparency in public management

The government's sale of Mozambique Airlines (LAM) to the State Business Sector (SEE) could increase fiscal risk and contribute to an increase in the lack of transparency in the management of public affairs, according to the Center for Public Integrity (CIP). Government authorizes HCB, CFM and EMOSE to acquire 91% of state shares...

Governo desencoraja redução de preços de produtos básicos

Government discourages price cuts on basic products

The interim National Director of Commerce, Vera Godinho, yesterday discouraged the reduction of prices of basic products if such a measure is based on social pressure. "In relation to this issue of the tendency of the people to demand cost reductions, etc., ... we discourage these measures, the government discourages these measures," said the spokeswoman for the...

Governo e sector privado buscam estratégias para recuperação económica após a crise eleitoral

Government and private sector seek strategies for economic recovery after electoral crisis

The Mozambican government, through the Ministry of Economy and the Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA), the country's largest employers' organization, are working to join forces in defining structural measures to be implemented in the short, medium and long term by Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in order to recover...

Parceiros de cooperação garantem apoio aos projectos de desenvolvimento em Moçambique

Cooperation partners guarantee support for development projects in Mozambique

This Monday (10), a group of international institutions guaranteed Mozambique financial support for development projects. The commitment was made in Maputo by representatives of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the United Nations (UN), during a courtesy meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs....

Centenas de empresas não voltam a abrir as portas devido a vandalizações

Hundreds of businesses unable to reopen due to vandalism

The Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA) said today in Maputo that hundreds of companies will not reopen their doors after being vandalized during the post-election demonstrations. "There are clearly many hundreds of companies that will never open again. Some for lack of capacity and others for lack of coins...