Category: Latest

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EDM connects Mazucane to the national grid

Last Friday, Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) connected the administrative post of Mazucane, in the district of Chongoene, Gaza province, to the national power grid, becoming the 37th post out of a total of 45 that should be illuminated by 2024. The infrastructure was built as part of the "Energy for All" project and cost the...


AM BEST assigns stable rating to Ímpar Seguros

The prestigious American company AM Best maintained the certification of the Insurer Ímpar for the third consecutive year, with a Financial Strength Rating of "B" (Good) and a Long-Term Issuer Credit Rating of "bb", with the assigned outlook of "stable" credit ratings. According to the company's press release, the rating reflects the strength of the Insurer's balance sheet,...


Picasso's works auctioned for over one hundred million dollars

The auction house Sotheby's announced that this Saturday 11 works by the Spanish painter Pablo Ruiz Picasso, better known by his last name, were auctioned for $108 million. The 1938 painting "Femme au Béret Rouge-Orang", depicting Marie-Thérèse Walter, one of Picasso's muses, achieved the highest auction value,...