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Impact of pandemic on work was worse than expected, says ILO

A new report from the International Labor Organization (ILO), shows that work hours lost due to the Covid-19 pandemic will be higher than predicted. The ILO now predicts that the total number of hours worked in 2021 will be 4.3% lower than pre-pandemic levels. That is equivalent to 125...


Netherlands and Italy donate 352 million meticais for water management

The Kingdom of the Netherlands, Italy and the Mozambican Government signed three agreements that foresee the provision, by art of the European countries, of about 325 million meticais for programs of sustainable management of water, sanitation and hygiene. The memorandums were signed by the Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources (MOPHRH), the...


Mozambique and Zimbabwe Unite to Share Water Resources Management

Mozambique and Zimbabwe will now share the management of water resources and associated ecosystems of the Buzi, Púnguè and Save basins. To this end, an agreement was signed on Wednesday morning, called the Project for the Management of Competitive Uses of Water and Associated Ecosystems in the Búzi, Púnguè and Save Basins (GEF BUPUSA Project


Bridge over the Búzi River may be inaugurated in December

The coordinator of the Buzi bridge project, André Vilanculos, guaranteed that the infrastructure will be operational in December, since the works are at a good pace, already 85% ahead of schedule. This is the bridge that connects Guara-Guara and Bândua, on the Tica-Búzi-Nova-Sofala road, and will be 700 meters long. Vilanculos was speaking during a visit...


Insurance: Commercial rates increased 15% in the global market

Globally, commercial insurance rates increased 15% in the third quarter of 2021, maintaining the relative change recorded in the previous quarter, reports a study by Marsh which is a world leader in insurance brokerage and risk consulting. "While this is the 16th consecutive quarter of rate increases in the global insurance market,...