Category: Social Responsibility


Zambézia: Millennium bim supports the rehabilitation of 41 health units

In partnership with Friends in Global Health (FGH), Millennium bim is supporting the rehabilitation of 41 health centers in Zambezia province. This initiative aims to respond to the emergencies resulting from the devastating consequences of Cyclone Freddy. As part of its commitment to social and community development in Mozambique,...

BCI reforça apoio à iniciativa Makobo

BCI strengthens support for Makobo initiative

On Thursday (18), in Maputo city, the BCI reinforced its support for the MAKOBO Platform's initiative called Sopa Solidária (Soup for Solidarity). In fact, for the third time in a row, dozens of Bank employees took part in the process of making the soup and later making it available to the beneficiaries. At the same session, BCI symbolically handed over the...

Cabo Delgado: TotalEnergies promete criar uma Fundação e alocar 200 milhões de dólares anuais

Cabo Delgado: TotalEnergies promises to create a Foundation and allocate 200 million dollars annually

TotalEnergies and partners in the Mozambique LNG project have created an action plan to improve the living conditions of the populations covered by the project and affected by the terrorist insurgency in Cabo Delgado province, the French oil company revealed today. The consortium has decided to set up a Provincial Foundation to share benefits in all the districts of the...

Blue Forest apoia a reconstrução de Universidade na Zambézia

Blue Forest supports the reconstruction of a university in Zambezia

Blue Forest, a mangrove reforestation specialist based in the United Arab Emirates, is providing a financial contribution of two million Meticais to help rebuild the infrastructures of the School of Marine and Coastal Sciences of the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM-ESCMC) in Quelimane, Zambézia province, after they were severely damaged by Tropical Cyclone Freddy,...