The benchmark index for world food prices registered a monthly drop of 0.5% in October compared to September, in a period in which only dairy products showed an increase, according to the assessment released last week by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The price index...
Category: Agriculture
Mozambique expects a sharp drop in dairy production next year
Milk production in Mozambique will fall sharply in 2024, according to projections in the Economic and Social Plan for next year. According to the document, the country is expected to produce a total of 2,376,048 liters, a reduction of 34% compared to this year. With a significant level of consumption...
AfDB provides funds to respond to natural disasters in Sofala
The African Development Bank (ADB) has more than three billion meticais available for projects to respond to natural disasters in Sofala province. Most of the money will be used to support projects in the electricity, road and bridge construction sectors. The other part will go towards infrastructure and agriculture. A...
Sofala needs 1100 tons of seeds for the 2023-2024 agricultural season
Sofala province needs 1100 tons of various certified seeds to meet the needs of the 2023-2024 agricultural campaign. These are seeds for maize, rice, sorghum, beans and vegetables. According to the coordinator of the Department of Agriculture at the Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Fisheries in Sofala, Chiro Jorge, the government and partners are already...
Cashew nut production could reach 160,000 tons by 2024
Mozambique expects to produce 160,000 tons of cashew nuts in 2024, an increase of more than 1.5% on this year's estimate, despite the effects of the climate. According to the Economic and Social Plan of the State Budget for next year, which will soon be debated in Parliament, this production is derived from 9,734,000 cashew trees,...
Mozambique takes part in the African Conference on Agricultural Technology starting today
From Monday, the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, will host the first African Conference on Agricultural Technology (ACAT), which will serve to exchange ideas and share best practices for exploring innovative solutions for the development of the agricultural sector. The five-day meeting is expected to bring together agricultural researchers, representatives of...
Mozambique exploits only 20% of its 30 million hectares of arable land
Mozambique currently exploits around 5.5 million hectares of arable land, which corresponds to less than 20% of the approximately 30 million hectares available in the country. The information was shared this Tuesday in Maputo by the representative of the Mozambican Association of Economists (AMECOM), Helton Leonardo, during the National Conference on...
Mozambique wants to place its agricultural products on the Chinese market
Mozambique wants to place its mainly organic agricultural production on the Chinese market and boost trade relations between the two countries. Mozambican agricultural production is recognized in different countries and is considered to be of high nutritional and commercial value. This Saturday, the Prime Minister, Adriano Maleane, took part in a forum to promote trade and...
Gaza: Massingir government halts sale of agricultural surpluses because of El-Niño
The district of Massingir, in Gaza province, is on alert because of the El-Niño weather phenomenon, the effects of which are predicted for the current rainy season. The local administrator, Esmeralda Muthemba, quoted by Terra magazine, spoke of the level of readiness to respond to the imminent phenomenon. "We are on high alert. As you know, Massingir...
ADB approves 20 million dollars for investment in smart agriculture in Mozambique
The Board of Directors of the African Development Fund (ADF), the concessional lending window of the African Development Bank Group, has approved a grant of 19.98 million dollars to finance the implementation of Mozambique's Economic Acceleration and Governance Support Program. This financing is the first of two successive support operations...