Category: Agriculture

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Filipe Nyusi considers that cereal production has boosted the agricultural sector

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, said last Friday, at the launch of the 2021-2022 Agricultural Campaign, in Vanduzi, Manica province, that the agricultural production for the 2020-2021 campaign doubled the expected target, by reaching 8.2% against the 4.1% initially expected. According to the Head of State, this growth results from the positive performance in almost all...


Cabo Delgado expects to produce more than one million tons of agricultural products in the 2021/2022 season

The government of Cabo Delgado expects to produce more than one million tons of various agricultural products in the 2021/2022 agricultural campaign. These are diverse products with greater emphasis on about 866 thousand tons of cereals, legumes, roots and tubers, and more than 160 thousand are income products, in this case, vegetables, sesame,...


PR launches today Agrarian Campaign 2021/2022

The President of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi, will launch today the Agrarian Campaign 2021/2022, in the center of the country, focusing on "increasing productivity and agricultural production" means of survival of the majority of the Mozambican population. The event, which will take place in Manica province, will also serve to evaluate the performance of the previous agrarian campaign,...


Mozambique records production surplus - Rede Fews

The Famine Early Warning Network (Fews Network) says that Mozambique contains surplus production in existing barns and is available in local markets. The Fews Network report, "Mozambique Food Security Outlook" comes at a time when the start of a new agricultural campaign is just around the corner, and reveals that currently the risk...


"Industrialization is the solution for post-harvest losses", - Mohamed Valá

The "Industrialise Mozambique" programme may be a solution to reverse post-harvest losses in the country, which currently stand at around 70 percent. In an interview with the weekly newspaper Domingo, Mohamed Valá, director general of the Mozambican Grains Institute (ICM), explained that the program provides for the installation of processing industries in different parts of Mozambique that should be fed by domestic production


Inhambane increases meat processing capacity

A new slaughterhouse beef processing industry started operating last Friday in the district of Panda, in the province of Inhambane. The complex has an installed capacity to process 250 tons of meat per month. The construction of the slaughterhouse of Panda cost about four million meticais, and is one of the largest...