Category: Business

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Empresariado moçambicano procura novas parcerias de investimento no Qatar

Mozambican business community seeks new investment partnerships in Qatar

More than 20 Mozambican companies from various sectors, especially agriculture, industry, transport, logistics, labor recruitment, communication, commerce and services, are taking part in the Business Mission to Doha, Qatar, which has been taking place since Saturday (14). On this trip, which ends today (17), the Mozambican business community aims to attract new investments and strategic partnerships to boost relations...

Governo aprova compra de 70% do projecto hidroeléctrico de Mphanda Nkuwa pela EDM

Government approves EDM's purchase of 70% from the Mphanda Nkuwa hydroelectric project

The state-owned company Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) has acquired 70% of the shareholdings of the shareholders of the current concessionaire of the Mphanda Nkuwa hydroelectric plant, a project being designed and with a projected capacity to produce 1500 MW, on the Zambezi River, in the central province of Tete. The decision was announced by the spokesman for the Council of Ministers, Filimão...

Eni regista lucro acima do esperado no segundo trimestre com forte contributo do gás do Rovuma

Eni posts higher than expected second-quarter profit with strong contribution from Rovuma gas

Italian petrochemical company Eni SpA posted a profit of 1.52 billion euros in the second quarter of 2024, beating expectations due to strong performance in its oil and gas exploration business. The floating natural gas platform, Coral Sul FLNG, anchored in the deep waters of the Rovuma basin in Cape...

Yango expande seus serviços de táxi para o centro de Moçambique

Yango expands its cab services to central Mozambique

The city of Beira, capital of Sofala province, central Mozambique, has had the international technological mobility service of the Yango platform since Tuesday (10). This is the first venture of this international digital cab company to operate in Africa, following its consolidation a year and a half ago in the country's capital, mainly...

Marcação de combustíveis: MIREME adjudica concurso milionário a um “velho lobista da casa”

Fuel marking: MIREME awards million-dollar tender to an "old lobbyist"

The SACOM consortium is to receive 3.1 billion meticais from the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME) for fuel quality control services in the distribution chain and at filling stations. According to the weekly Canal de Moçambique, the beneficiary of the contract, SACOM/"Authentix", is made up of the Americans from Authentix and some Mozambican lobbyists. The...

REVIMO atinge 1,2 mil milhões de meticais em obrigações fiscais

REVIMO reaches 1.2 billion meticais in tax obligations

The company Rede Viária de Moçambique (REVIMO), responsible for the construction, conservation and operation of several national roads, has reached 1.2 billion meticais in tax obligations paid to the government over the last five years. The information is contained in a recent presentation on the performance of REVIMO's activities since its establishment in 2020, cited...