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População bloqueia viaturas e faz reféns funcionários da Sasol em Inhambane

People block vehicles and take Sasol employees hostage in Inhambane

The population of Mabime, in the district of Inhassoro, Inhambane province, blocked two vehicles belonging to the multinational company Sasol yesterday morning (Friday 20th) and "detained" two of its employees. The action comes as a way of demanding solutions to outstanding problems related to promises made by the company and the government. According to the newspaper...

Cabo Delgado: Syrah Resources suspende mina de grafite e perde 32% do valor das acções

Cabo Delgado: Syrah Resources suspends graphite mine and loses 32% of share value

Australian mining company Syrah Resources declared "Force Majeure" on Wednesday and suspended its operations at the Balama mine, in Cabo Delgado province, as a result of the current socio-political situation. A statement issued today by the company emphasizes that this measure has to do with the progression of the post-election protests that are already affecting several mining companies....

Administradora da Cimentos da Beira usa BR falso para aceder a contas da empresa

Cimentos da Beira administrator uses fake BR to access company accounts

The administrator of the Cimentos da Beira company in Sofala province uses a fake Boletim da República (BR) to access company accounts, the National Criminal Investigation Service (SERNIC) confirmed on Tuesday. The Administrator was appointed by the Sofala Judicial Court as part of the company's insolvency proceedings, which were decreed in October...

Fábrica de cerâmica suspende actividades após uma greve violenta dos trabalhadores

Ceramics factory suspends activities after violent workers' strike

The management of the SAFIRA Mozambique Ceramic factory has decided to temporarily suspend its activities following a violent strike by workers last Friday (06) in which they destroyed some equipment in the production room and used iron bars to attack Chinese technicians. The SAFIRA Mozambique factory is located in the district of Moamba, in the province of...

“Sector bancário moçambicano manteve-se rentável e estável no primeiro semestre” – revela BdM

"Mozambican banking sector remained profitable and stable in the first half of the year" - BdM reveals

The Mozambican banking sector remained profitable and stable, with adequate levels of capitalization and liquidity, and satisfactory profitability, during the first half of 2024. The information is contained in the Financial Stability Bulletin released yesterday by the Bank of Mozambique (BdM), which notes that during the period under review, the overall solvency ratio stood at 26.33%,...

Trabalhadores cortam ligação ferroviária entre Moçambique e Zimbabué, exigindo melhores condições de trabalho

Workers cut rail link between Mozambique and Zimbabwe, demanding better working conditions

On Tuesday (03), a group of workers from Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique - Centro (CFM) removed a section of the Beira - Machipanda railway line, preventing it from connecting to Zimbabwe. The route is crucial for imports and exports from inland African countries, which depend on the Mozambican port of Beira. According to a...

Magala diz que LAM já é sustentável, mas pede paciência para que a companhia volte a ser robusta

Magala says that LAM is already sustainable, but asks for patience for the company to become robust again

The Minister of Transport and Communications says that South African consultant Fly Modern Ark has fulfilled its mandate, which was to restore the sustainability of Mozambique Airlines (LAM) and make it more competitive in the market. Even so, he asks for patience so that the flag carrier can become robust again. According to Mateus Magala, who was speaking this...

Seguranças fazem refém funcionários e delegado do INAS em Gaza e exigem salários em atrasos

Security guards take INAS staff and delegate hostage in Gaza and demand unpaid salaries

Yesterday, a group of 34 private security agents demonstrated in front of the provincial office of the National Institute of Social Action (INAS) in Xai-Xai to demand payment of two years' salary arrears, taking the employees and the institution's delegate hostage. According to a report in the newspaper "O País", the...

Porto da Beira recebe um dos maiores navios de carga do mundo pela terceira vez

Port of Beira receives one of the world's largest cargo ships for the third time

Yesterday, Sunday (24), the Port of Beira received one of the largest cargo ships in the world, named "MSC SHANELLE", which is 300 meters long and has the capacity to carry 1,800 containers of various cargoes. According to the newspaper Notícias, this is the third time that a ship of this category has called at the Mozambican port, after the MSC...