Category: Economy

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Governo vai remover protecção na indústria do cimento para reduzir preço

Government to remove protection in the cement industry to reduce prices

The Ministry of Economy will remove the protection granted to the cement production industry in Mozambique in 20% to allow for greater competitiveness and, consequently, a reduction in prices. According to AIM, which carried the news, the protection in place was for some large investments that have taken place in the country in recent years, namely Dugongo...

Fundo ao Desenvolvimento Local orçado em mais de 1 bilião de Meticais

Local Development Fund budgeted at over 1 billion Meticais

The Local Development Support Fund will be budgeted at more than one billion Meticais, of which around 60% will finance entrepreneurial initiatives led by young people. According to a report in "O País", the document has already been approved by the government and was discussed yesterday at a session of the Interministerial Committee to Support...

Défice de moeda estrangeira compromete importação de combustíveis

Foreign currency deficit jeopardizes fuel imports

The deficit in foreign currency, especially the dollar, is compromising the import of fuel into the country, a scenario that has led to shortages at some of the country's fuel pumps. The information was provided by Hélder Chambisse, Chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of Petróleos de Moçambique, Petromoc in an interview with...

INSS doa material de construção a pensionistas e trabalhadores informais vítimas do ciclone Chido

INSS donates building materials to pensioners and informal workers affected by Cyclone Chido

On Thursday (20), the National Social Security Institute (INSS) began delivering aid to pensioners and self-employed workers affected by cyclone Chido in Cabo Delgado. The initiative, according to the institution, is part of the Health and Social Action Program. According to a report in the newspaper "O País", a total of...

Empresários holandeses procuram oportunidades de negócios em Manica

Dutch entrepreneurs look for business opportunities in Manica

A mission of Dutch businesspeople is in Manica province looking for investment opportunities in various business sectors. According to a press release, a total of 20 Dutch companies are looking for opportunities, especially in the areas of agribusiness, with a focus on seeds, agrology, poultry farming and agroforestry systems. The aim of this mission...

“Moçambique almeja concepção de medidas para lidar com desigualdades económicas”

"Mozambique aims to devise measures to deal with economic inequalities"

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Maria Manuela Lucas, said on Wednesday (19) that Mozambique was aiming to develop innovative cooperation initiatives to deal with economic inequalities. Speaking at the opening session of the annual retreat of the United Nations team in Mozambique, she said she hoped that "the encouraging results of cooperation...