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Paypal wants to buy Pinterest for $45 billion

PayPal is offering $45 billion to acquire Pinterest. If the deal goes through it could bring financial technologies closer to social media in e-commerce. This could be the largest acquisition of a social media company, surpassing Microsoft Corp.'s acquisition of LinkedIn. This transaction was about...


More Africans are investing in innovation businesses, says UNESCO

A recently published study by the UN Educational, Scientific, Technological and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) says that one in four African entrepreneurs have created innovative businesses. The research involved 10 African countries, including Mozambique in an analysis that covered more than 400 women from the continent. In Mozambique the study cites the story of entrepreneur, Jéssica Manhiça who is founder...


"Pandemic will continue into 2022," warns WHO

The Covid-19 pandemic will continue into 2022, with the World Health Organization (WHO) admitting that the disease will "extend for one year longer than necessary" because poor countries are not getting the vaccines they need to immunize their populations


Self-employment: CMCM trains 48 thousand young people

About 48 thousand young people were trained by the Municipal Council of Maputo City (CMCM) in matters of self-employment, since the beginning of the mandate until the current moment. Eneas Comiche, president of the CMCM said that the municipal council has sought to respond to the problem of youth employment by mobilizing partnerships...


Leaking Documents! Countries lobby to change climate report

A series of documents reveals how some countries are acting to change some conclusions of the latest United Nations (UN) climate report in order to reduce carbon emissions. From Saudi Arabia to Brazil, everyone has something to say about continuing with their production methods that emit polluting gases. From...