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Beira City will have a flood mitigation yard as of next January

The city of Beira will have an urban landfill site next January. This is an infrastructure to mitigate the floods that cyclically buffet the central capital city. Sketched out four years ago by the Mozambican Dredging Company (EMODRAGA) and the Beira City Council, this infrastructure will store quantities of sand dredged...


"Secret Fund" for Cabo Delgado reconstruction is underway in Maputo

The monthly report (October) from Cabo Ligado - an observatory of conflicts in Mozambique - concluded that the Government has consolidated, in Maputo, control of the Reconstruction Plan for Cabo Delgado, leaving little to say to the population that should benefit from the funds. And, on the other hand, the document states that the variations in the estimates...


Government and Korean agency implement accident reduction project in Maputo

Government and Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), are studying ways to reduce blood on the roads of the country's capital, especially on the roads of Maputo Metropolitan Area, which includes the municipalities of Maputo, Matola, Boane and Marracuene. To this end, the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), plans, with support from KOICA,...


Mozambique and Malawi to link power grids

The presidents of Mozambique and Malawi intend to unite the electricity grids of the two countries to flow the power produced at the Cahora Bassa dam in the province of Tete which borders Malawi. During the launching of the project, on Tuesday in Balaka, (Malawi), it was learned that the high voltage line comprising...


Oxford Economics Africa to review national economic growth

National economic growth may go from a revision to 2%, according to the consultancy Oxford Economics Africa. And this will be due to the development recorded in the third quarter of 2021, being the highest record since before the pandemic. Analysts say that there was a growth in the order of 3.36% between July and September 2021. The...