Author: Leonor Manjate (Leonor Manjate)

Machamba: fornecedor de armas para raptos ouvido pelo tribunal

Machamba: weapons supplier for kidnappings heard in court

The Judicial Court of Sofala province heard on Tuesday the accused Gimo Machamba, alleged supplier of weapons for kidnappings in the city of Beira. Machamba told the court that he does not know the three citizens arrested late last year after a failed attempt to kidnap a Pakistani businessman in that city. Declarant Machamba explained

Central Térmica de Temane poderá exportar 250MW de energia eléctrica para países da África Austral

Temane Thermal Power Plant could export 250MW of electricity to Southern African countries

The Temane Thermal Power Plant in Inhambane may export 250 MW of electricity to feed the Southern African Power Pool (SAPP) member countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), according to Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM). This export will not harm the needs of domestic consumption and may generate profits for the...

Governo aprova data para recenseamento autárquico 2023

Government approves date for 2023 municipal census

The Council of Ministers approved, this Tuesday, the diploma that establishes the dates of registration for the municipal elections next year. The period set for voter registration will run from February 23 to April 5, 2023. The spokesperson for the session, Filmão Suaze, noted that as established by law, the...

Terminal Oceânico de Pemba ainda carece de estudos de impacto ambiental

Pemba Ocean Terminal still lacks environmental impact studies

The project for Expansion and Modernization of the Pemba Ocean Terminal (TOP) does not present fatal issues that would make its implementation unfeasible. This is, at least, the conclusion advanced by the environmental pre-feasibility study and definition of scope, consulted by "Notícias". The work carried out by EnAmbiente, recommends, however, that environmental studies be continued in order to...

Médicos fogem do Estado para ONGs

Doctors Flee the State for NGOs

The doctors assigned to Vilankulo Rural Hospital, in the north of Inhambane province, are abandoning their jobs to join Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), denounced the administrator Edmundo Galiza Matos Junior. The doctors "swindle" the state with supposed intentions to continue their studies, whose requests for 11 doctors have had approvals....