Author: Emidio Massacola (Emidio Massacola)

Cólera: Governo aloca brigadas às províncias para monitorar medidas de prevenção  

Cholera: Government sends brigades to provinces to monitor prevention measures  

The Council of Ministers has set up brigades to ascertain the real situation regarding the incidence of cholera in the country, as well as to monitor the measures underway to prevent the disease, the spokesperson for the Council of Ministers said on Tuesday. Because of the outbreak of cholera in some of the country's provinces, and because of the need...

O que o FMI disse sobre os atrasos salariais em Moçambique?

What did the IMF say about wage arrears in Mozambique?

The civil service in Mozambique is experiencing salary delays as a result of the implementation of the Single Salary Table. But state employees and agents are also uncertain about the amount of their salaries. The TSU came into force on June 9 this year. In May, the International Monetary Fund in Mozambique (IMF) recommended cuts in spending on...

Estes são os dois ‘pontos de fuga’ para a estabilidade da economia moçambicana, segundo o FMI

These are the two 'vanishing points' for the stability of the Mozambican economy, according to the IMF

Mozambique's debt remains at high levels and this increases its vulnerability, but the country can still implement measures to guarantee its stability, according to the head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission. Pablo Lopez Murphy noted that in the comparison between Mozambique and other countries in the region, what stands out is the...

Sonhos que Impactam Vidas: Da Tecnologia à Sustentabilidade Ambiental

Dreams that Impact Lives: From Technology to Environmental Sustainability

They are Mozambicans, they have experienced Mozambican problems, they have dreamed up and created solutions to solve them and they have been honored for their altruism. From Mozambique to the world, they have received distinctions from the Queen of England, Elizabeth II, there have even been partnerships with Elon Musk and patent registrations in the United States of America. In the face of adversity, they have remained steadfast and inspired people. They are the...


Extractive industry to make biggest contribution to national GDP this year

The growth of economic activity in Mozambique is expected to stand at 5% according to the forecasts of the Economic and Social Plan and State Budget (PESOE), which predicts the highest performance from the Extractive Industry. The PESOE's growth forecast "will be sustained by the positive performance of the extractive industry, with 23.1%", says the Ministry...

Desempenho macroeconómico nacional situou-se abaixo das previsões do PESOE no primeiro semestre do ano

National macroeconomic performance was below PESOE forecasts in the first half of the year

Mozambique's macroeconomic performance stood at 41.1%, below the forecasts of the Economic and Social Plan and State Budget (PESOE) for the first half of 2023, reveals a report by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). In the document consulted today by MZNews, the MEF shows optimism in the results, and attributes the degree of achievement...

Cegid Primavera apresenta ferramenta de gestão digital de dados e impostos para empresas

Cegid Primavera presents digital data and tax management tool for companies

Betting on the digital transformation of Mozambican companies is undoubtedly Cegid Primavera's biggest goal. Today, at the Maputo International Trade Fair, the company presented a solution that enables the digital management of data, including taxes. This is Cegid Primavera ERP Evolution, a digital and innovative resource capable of adapting to the particularities of...