Tag: loss

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Conflito na faixa de Gaza causou prejuízos de 18,5 mil milhões de dólares

Conflict in the Gaza Strip has caused 18.5 billion dollars in damage

The Israeli offensive in the Gaza Strip caused an estimated 18.5 billion dollars in damage to critical infrastructure between October 7 and the end of January, according to a report released yesterday. This figure, calculated in a joint study by the World Bank (WB), the UN and the European Union (EU), is the first estimate of the effects of the...


Maragra sugar mill has already lost 3.6 billion meticais

The damage caused by the rains at the beginning of the year to the sugar cane fields and equipment of the Maragra sugar company has already led to losses estimated at 3.6 billion dollars. In the agricultural fields alone, losses amounted to 470,000 tons, around 1.6 billion meticais. These losses have damaged the company's productivity,...

ONG prevê decadência financeira na HCB pelas crescentes dívidas multimilionárias e prejuízos para accionistas

NGO predicts financial decay at HCB for growing multi-million dollar debts and losses for shareholders

The Center for Democracy and Development (CDD) predicts that soon, with the new management, Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa (HCB) will enter a new phase of financial distress due to its high level of debt. The NGO calls on shareholders to monitor the company's operations and demand transparency in the accounts. HCB...

Fungo do “Panamá” ameaça a produção de banana e segurança alimentar em Moçambique e toda África

Panama fungus threatens banana production and food security in Mozambique and throughout Africa

Banana production in Mozambique and the rest of Africa could be jeopardized by the spread of the fungus Fusarium oxysporum (TR4), which has caused significant losses in other producing countries. Cavendish banana (common banana) plantations in Mozambique, where the disease was first recorded on two commercial banana farms in 2013,...

EDM com prejuízo 6.7 mil milhões de Meticais em 2022

EDM to lose 6.7 billion Meticals by 2022

Electricity of Mozambique (EDM), a state-owned company, recorded a loss of 6.7 billion Meticais in 2022, according to a press release to which MZNews has had access. According to the Chairman of EDM's Board of Directors, Marcelino Alberto, who was speaking yesterday at a meeting to review the financial year for 2022, the results...


CFM Records a $25.5 Million Loss

The company Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM) incurred losses of 25.5 million dollars, caused by Cyclone Freddy. The figures were shared yesterday (09.03) by the chairman of CFM's board of directors, Agostinho Langa, at the opening of the XXVI Board of Directors of the national rail-port logistics and handling giant, which is taking place in Matibane, district...