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Beira: Detido cidadão por branqueamento de capitais

Beira: Citizen arrested for money laundering

One of the main partners of a Chinese smuggler who has been wanted by the Mozambican justice system for more than three years has been arrested in the city of Beira, Sofala province. According to a report in the newspaper "O País", the Chinese man is accused of money laundering, financing terrorism, tax fraud, falsifying documents and environmental crimes....

Branqueamento de capitais: Nyusi defende adopção de legislação robusta

Money laundering: Nyusi calls for robust legislation

The President of the Republic recognizes the complexity of money laundering and therefore advocates the adoption of robust legislation, greater action by the judiciary and the involvement of all social sectors. For Filipe Nyusi, combating the phenomenon, as well as financial surveillance, requires collaboration with neighboring countries. The head of state...

Desafios de Moçambique no combate ao branqueamento de capitais e financiamento ao terrorismo

Mozambique's challenges in combating money laundering and terrorist financing

Opinion Author: Samir Zacarias, Researcher. Introduction Combating Money Laundering and Terrorist FinancingBC/FT poses a number of challenges for governments around the world. Mozambique, like other countries, needs to implement effective strategies and measures to combat these illicit practices that damage the economy. For these measures to be effective,...

Banco de Moçambique caça operações suspeitas em bancos comerciais

Bank of Mozambique hunts down suspicious operations at commercial banks

The Bank of Mozambique (BM) is said to have "infiltrated" supervisors in banks in the Mozambican financial market where their respective administrators are suspected of being involved in the laundering of more than 330 million dollars. 48 million meticais proposed for magistrates not to arrest ringleaders in the laundering of more than 330 million dollars The Central Bank of Mozambique...

Propostos 48 milhões de meticais para magistrados não deter cabecilhas do branqueamento de mais de 330 milhões de dólares

48 million meticais proposed for magistrates not to arrest ringleaders of the laundering of more than 330 million dollars

As part of the Stop Money Laundering "Stop BC" operation launched by the Public Prosecutor's Office, which has already led to the arrest of Nuro Gulam's brother, MP and judicial magistrates are denouncing pressure, bribes and threats. According to Notícias, these attacks come via the organized crime syndicate, in order to obstruct the operation....

Moçambique exportou mais de 330 milhões de dólares de dinheiro lavado

Mozambique exported more than 330 million dollars of laundered money

The Attorney General of the Republic (PGR), Beatriz Buchili, revealed today in the Assembly of the Republic that Mozambique exported 330,241,242.39 dollars laundered on national territory between 2019 and 2023. During the presentation of the annual report, she said that this amount was sent to eight countries, namely China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Dubai, Mauritius, Portugal and...

Banco de Moçambique vai lançar sistema integrado de operações financeiras

Bank of Mozambique to launch integrated financial operations system

The financial operations of market and reserve management, treasury, foreign exchange, transactions between public and financial entities and the stock exchange will now be carried out through an integrated computer system, the Bank of Mozambique (BM) announced on Thursday (04). The mechanism could be implemented soon, and will be a method of...

Branqueamento de capitais: Moçambique quer sair da lista cinzenta até Junho próximo

Money laundering: Mozambique wants to get off the gray list by next June

The Mozambican government wants the country to be off the Financial Action Task Force's gray list by next June, an official source said yesterday. Luis Cizerilo, deputy director-general of Mozambique's Financial Information Office said that the country is taking significant steps to remove itself from this negative classification, and is awaiting the latest report...

PR promulga Lei de Combate ao Branqueamento de Capitais e Financiamento ao Terrorismo

PR enacts Law to Combat Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

The President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, has promulgated and ordered the publication of the Revision of the Law that establishes the Legal Regime and Measures to Prevent and Combat Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. "The Head of State took the decision in the use of the powers conferred on him by the Constitution, and after having verified...