Moza Banco donates food products to victims of Cyclones Gombe and Ana

Moza Banco doa produtos alimentares às vítimas dos ciclones Gombe e Ana

As part of the support to the victims of cyclones Gombe and Ana that affected the northern and central areas of the country, Moza Banco yesterday delivered food products to the Secretary of State in Nampula province. The act is part of the Social Responsibility Policy of the Bank, which has one of its main focuses on developing activities that contribute to the economic and social progress of the communities where the Bank operates.

The President of the Executive Committee of Moza Banco, Manuel Soares, said on the occasion that "we decided to give substance to this initiative because we want to contribute to improving the suffering of the affected families. Our commitment is with the welfare of Mozambicans and with the continuous improvement of people's quality of life. We are aware that our gesture, in and of itself, will not effectively solve the problem, but we understand that it is a significant contribution to this great struggle for the continuous improvement of the quality of life.

The Secretary of State of Manica, Mety Gonde, welcomed the initiative of Moza Banco, stating that "this is an important support because it comes to respond to the problems of those families affected by tropical cyclone Gombe and storm ANA, and that at this time they are still getting back on their feet". According to him, the help from Moza Banco will be very useful and "we will reach the families that are currently facing difficulties".

The donated products have already been delivered to the National Institute for Natural Disaster Management (INGD), to be immediately forwarded to the affected families.

It should be noted that in Nampula province, cyclone Gombe and ANA, affected more than 642,000 people, mostly in the coastal districts and caused about 53 deaths.

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