Category: Social Responsibility

Mais de 500 alunos beneficiam de reabilitação de escola básica no Dondo

More than 500 pupils benefit from rehabilitation of basic school in Dondo

On February 15, the Fábrica de Explosivos de Moçambique (FEM) and the Dondo Municipal Council handed over eight classrooms - five rehabilitated and three new - to the 25 de Setembro Basic School, located in the Mafarinha neighborhood of Dondo, Sofala Province. The work, a partnership between the Municipal...

Fundação Al Muhsinin: Um Farol de Solidariedade e Ajuda Humanitária

Al Muhsinin Foundation: A Beacon of Solidarity and Humanitarian Aid

On the humanitarian scene, the Al Muhsinin Foundation stands out as a true beacon of hope and solidarity. Under the exemplary leadership of Abdul Hannan Hajat, this organization has tirelessly dedicated itself to improving lives, not only in Mozambique, but beyond the country's borders. The remarkable initiative of organizing humanitarian aid through donations reflects the vision and...

Pediatria do HCM reforçada com novos equipamentos resultante de venda de obra artística

HCM Pediatrics reinforced with new equipment as a result of sale of artwork

On Thursday, December 21, Standard Bank, in partnership with students from the Digital Frontiers Institute (DFI) in Maputo, donated four infusion machines, a cooler, an industrial kettle, a sofa and waiting chairs to the Hemato-Oncology Service. The donation is the result of the sale of a picture painted by participants in the 10th meeting of the Alumni Community of Practice...

Access Bank reforça compromisso com o serviço de Oncologia do HCM

Access Bank reinforces its commitment to HCM's Oncology service

As part of its social responsibility projects and in view of the upcoming festive season, on Friday, December 15, Access Bank Mozambique donated a shipment of sheets to the Oncology Department of Maputo Central Hospital (HCM). The aim of the initiative is to provide greater comfort, a more welcoming environment...

Eni lança primeira pedra para a reabilitação e ampliação das unidades de Radiologia em Pemba

Eni lays foundation stone for rehabilitation and expansion of radiology units in Pemba

Eni Rovuma Basin yesterday laid the foundation stone for the rehabilitation and expansion of the Radiology and Intensive Care units at Pemba Provincial Hospital. According to the statement sent to our newsroom, the project is part of the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Ministry of Health (MISAU) in December...

Maxixe: Moza Banco promove combate a erosão com o plantio de cerca de 2 mil mudas Maxixe

Maxixe: Moza Banco fights erosion by planting around 2,000 Maxixe saplings

More than 200 Moza Banco employees joined hundreds of volunteers from various private, academic and governmental organizations to implement the second phase of the "Let's Plant Trees" project, this time in the coastal area of the town of Maxixe, in Inhambane, an area considerably threatened by erosion. In fact, some access roads in nearby neighborhoods...

Arrancou a 16.ª Edição do Torneio Mini Basquete Millennium bim no norte do país

The 16th edition of the Millennium bim Mini Basketball Tournament kicks off in the north of the country

The 16th edition of the Millennium bim Mini Basketball Tournament kicked off this month in the northern cities of Nampula, Nacala, Lichinga and Pemba. With a total of 1,220 children aged between six and 11 taking part, the sporting event aims to encourage young people to take part in sporting activities for the benefit of...

“Doa Sangue, Partilha Vida”. Access Bank fortalece compromisso humanitário com campanha de doação de sangue

"Donate Blood, Share Life". Access Bank strengthens humanitarian commitment with blood donation campaign

Access Bank Mozambique has successfully concluded its annual blood donation campaign, which ran from June to August this year, raising a total of 92 balloons of blood in five provinces of the country. This effort reaffirms the Bank's ongoing commitment to supporting initiatives that help save lives and strengthen...

Bicicleta junta centenas de munícipes em Maputo

Bicycle rallies hundreds of residents in Maputo

On Saturday (19), the most eagerly awaited social event in the capital city took place: "Maputo Pedalando", a municipal initiative with the support of BCI, among other partners. Through cycling, the initiative aims to promote sustainable mobility and healthy habits, as a mechanism for transforming the values of urbanity and citizenship....