Category: Agriculture

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Government sets minimum price for seed cotton for the current marketing year

At the Council of Ministers, the Mozambican government set the minimum purchase price for seed cotton from the producer, the ginning fee and the seed cotton price subsidy, which will come into force during the 2023-2024 agricultural campaign. According to the spokesperson for the 17th ordinary session of the Council of Ministers, Ludovina Bernardo, the...

Província de Gaza projecta retoma da produção de trigo

Gaza province projects recovery in wheat production

The Lower Limpopo Irrigation District, in the town of Xai-Xai in Gaza, is going to relaunch wheat cultivation, which had been discontinued in the province for around 50 years. According to the governor of that province, Margarida Mapanzene, the first sowing should start soon, as a result of cooperation with the Chinese company Wambao, which also grows...

Seca e excesso de chuva comprometem produção de milhares de agricultores do sul e centro do País

Drought and excessive rainfall jeopardize the production of thousands of farmers in the south and center of the country

At least one million agricultural producers in the central and southern regions of the country have had their production for the current season compromised due to adverse climatic factors since the start of the first production season. According to the president of the National Disaster Management Institute (INGD), Luísa Meque, who was speaking yesterday, Thursday (09) in...

Maputo acolhe amanhã o lançamento da conferência africana de ciências agronómicas

Maputo hosts the launch of the African conference on agricultural sciences tomorrow

Tomorrow, Thursday (9), Maputo city will host the official launch of the timer for the 13th Conference of the African Society of Agronomic Sciences, to be held from September 16 to 19 at the Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) Campus. The event is intended to publicize the criteria for participation in the 13th Conference of the African Society of Agricultural Sciences....


Cuban delegation visits Mozambique in search of cooperation in the area of food security

Mozambique and Cuba intend to strengthen cooperation ties in the area of food security, for the benefit of the populations of both countries. To this end, a delegation from that Latin American country is making a seven-day visit to Mozambique. Speaking during a working meeting held yesterday, Monday (29), in Maputo, with Minister...


Maragra sugar mill resumes sugar cane production with support from competitor

The Maragra sugar factory has resumed production of sugar cane after a year's halt. For the time being, the first productions will be processed at its sugar competitor in Xinavane. The Maragra sugar mill, in the Manhiça district of Maputo province, suspended its activities following the destruction of machinery due to the rains that caused...