Category: Agriculture

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FIDA abre um escritório para assistir região Austral e Oriental

IFAD opens an office to assist Eastern and Southern region

The new regional office, opened in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi, will now assist 22 countries in the Southern and Eastern Africa region, including Mozambique. The main objective of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in opening the new office is to help reduce hunger and poverty by supporting smallholder farmers in the two...


FENAGRI defends inclusive agriculture in the access to markets

The structured development of the agriculture sector in Mozambique can only be successful if, in addition to large private producers, there is an integration of small family farmers, especially in access to markets. This is one of the main messages left this Monday by the president of the National Federation of Agricultural Associations of Mozambique (FENAGRI), Hernani Mussanhane, after...

Circulação de sementes falsas preocupa o sector da Agricultura

Circulation of fake seeds worries the Agriculture sector

The Agriculture Sector plans to restart the issuance of labels in seed certification, to ensure the traceability of proven lots and reduce the circulation of improper inputs. This measure aims to address the precariousness or lack of infrastructure, equipment and human resources at border and internal inspection posts, which is a challenge for...


Four thousand producers will receive support in the 3rd phase of Sustenta

In Sofala, center of the country, about four thousand small producers of the family sector will receive financial support and agricultural inputs, in the third phase of the program Sustenta launched this Thursday. It is expected that the productive value chain in the province will increase through the transfer of agricultural technologies. Cited by Radio Mozambique, the director...


Maputo reaches self-sufficiency in the agro-livestock sector

Maputo province achieved self-sufficiency in several agricultural products in the 2020-2021 agricultural campaign. The balance of the campaign indicates that Maputo had surplus results in vegetables (tomatoes, cabbage and green beans), roots and tubers (sweet potatoes and cassava) and chicken. The information was revealed recently by the governor of the province, Júlio Paruque, who pointed out the...


Mozambique seeks market for agricultural products in Equatorial Guinea

Mozambique is seeking a market in Equatorial Guinea for the marketing of domestic agricultural products. The interest was expressed this Wednesday by the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, at Maputo International Airport, during the farewell ceremony to the Head of State. President Nyusi left Maputo on Wednesday, bound for Equatorial Guinea, for a visit to...


"Mozambique cannot afford to lose agricultural surpluses to neighboring countries"

The Director-General of the Mozambique Cereals Institute (ICM), says that the country has two years to stop losing agricultural surpluses to neighboring countries. These are surpluses that escape from the State control, through the border opened by inappropriate circuits with Malawi standing out as the beneficiary of the corn produced in Mozambique. To stop...

África. BAD com o plano de 1,5 milhões de dólares para evitar crise alimentar

Africa. ADB with $1.5 million plan to avert food crisis

The new emergency plan of the African Development Bank to prevent a food crisis in Africa, of 1.5 billion dollars, will distribute new technologies that allow to grow crops even in drought situations, said a vice president of the institution. Lusa news agency writes. The ADB announced last week an African Production Plan...


About 150,000 families had an income increase in 32%

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Celso Correia, said that 150,000 families in the production sector saw their income increase during this year by 32%. "This is one of the factors that highlights the government's efforts to ensure food security and economic stability, in the country, in general and of producers, in...