Category: Agriculture

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Autoridades prevêem período longo sem precipitação de Janeiro a Março

Authorities predict long period without precipitation from January to March

The southern and central regions of the country will experience long periods without rain from January to March, despite the occurrence of "la niña", a phenomenon that influences the climate and leads to above-normal rainfall. According to the National Institute of Meteorology (INAM), quoted by the newspaper Notícias, this update of the seasonal climate forecast was drawn up on the basis of initial...

Primeiro carregamento de fertilizantes russos chega este sábado a Moçambique

First shipment of Russian fertilizers arrives this Saturday in Mozambique

A cargo ship carrying the first batch of Russian fertilizers for Africa will arrive at the Mozambican port of Beira before the end of the year, after being forced to make a technical stopover in South Africa due to bad weather. According to the port authorities in the South African city of Port Elizabeth, the MV Greenwich had to dock...


Mozambique and Brazil sign an agreement for cooperation in the agricultural sector

The Brazilian Chamber of Commerce and the Mozambican Chamber of Commerce signed a cooperation agreement in the agricultural sector a few days ago in Maputo, with the aim of transferring technology from Brazil to Mozambique for the development of agriculture. Hipólito Hamela, economic advisor to the Mozambican Chamber of Commerce, said that in addition to...

Fundo Agrário recomenda uso de semente certificada

Agrarian Fund recommends the use of certified seed

The director-general of the Agrarian Development and Rural Extension Fund (FAR), Adélia Magaia, said yesterday in Maputo that farmers should invest in quality certified seed, fertilizers and machinery for soil preparation in order to increase production and productivity. To do this, she said, it is necessary to guarantee the penetration of...


FINAGRI invests in facilitating access to agricultural equipment by small farmers

The National Federation of Agricultural Associations of Mozambique (FENAGRI) is creating facilities to help small farmers acquire agricultural equipment, an initiative aimed at increasing production and productivity, including access to the market. Last week in Maputo, FENAGRI presented agricultural products and technologies, an action that is part of...

Província de Maputo registou perda de 20 mil hectares de culturas na campanha agrária 2021/22

Maputo province recorded a loss of 20,000 hectares of crops in the 2021/22 agrarian campaign

Close to 20,000 hectares of various crops are thought to have been lost in Maputo province due to the occurrence of adverse climatic factors, with a focus on drought and flooding, in the 2021-2022 agricultural season, affecting 16,000 families. Meanwhile, the current 2022-2023 agricultural campaign, launched last week, could be marked by the existence of enough water to...

Adaptação climática em África tem potencial de usd 100 mil milhões em oportunidades de investimento

Climate adaptation in Africa has potential usd 100 billion in investment opportunities

Natural disasters are occurring with greater frequency and severity in Africa, with floods and droughts particularly devastating. Given governments' increasing fiscal constraints, the private sector has a critical role to play, and interest in increasing adaptation investments that will help Africa adapt economically to the new climate reality. Um...


Government and partners invest more than 50 million meticais in access to land and food security

The government and partners are investing over 50 million meticais to improve access to land and food security in the country. The money is being applied in the implementation of the project called Transformative Investment in Land, an initiative of the Dutch organization SNV Mozambique. According to the representative of the agriculture sector...