Category: Special Elections

Joaquim Chissano assegura que Chapo vai acabar com problema de fome na função pública

Joaquim Chissano assures that Chapo will put an end to hunger in the civil service

The former president of the republic and honorary president of Frelimo, Joaquim Chissano, assures that Daniel Chapo, Frelimo's presidential candidate, will put an end to hunger problems in the civil service. The problem was raised as a point of concern by civil servants at a meeting that brought the parties together on Monday night (16) in the city of Maxixe,...

Nova Democracia namora eleitorado para votar em Manuel de Araújo como governador da Zambézia

New Democracy flirts with voting for Manuel de Araújo as governor of Zambézia

The brigades of the New Democracy Party (ND) are fanning out through the neighborhoods of Quelimane in search of votes to ensure the election of the Renamo candidate to the post of governor of Zambézia, in the center of the country. According to the provincial delegate of this political formation, Isac Livro, "the appeal is to strengthen the mechanism for raising awareness of the...

Daniel Chapo menospreza a experiência dos seus adversários. “Sou único com obras feitas”

Daniel Chapo downplays the experience of his opponents. "I'm the only one with work done"

The presidential candidate of the Frelimo party, Daniel Chapo, pledges to govern Mozambique based on his experience as a public servant if he wins the elections on October 9. He points out that his direct opponents have no experience of leadership, and that he is the only one who has held various positions in government and has worked...

Lutero Simango promete tirar alunos debaixo de árvores

Lutero Simango promises to get students out from under trees

The President of the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM) party, Lutero Simango, is hunting for votes in Nampula province. During his visit to the Ribáué district yesterday, he promised to create better infrastructure to accommodate pupils in well-equipped classrooms. "In my government we will have fewer problems with schools. Enough with the...

Agenda dos candidatos presidenciais     

Presidential candidates' agenda     

This Tuesday the hunt for votes, which began on August 26, continues for the general elections on October 9, 2024. There are four candidates in the presidential race, namely Lutero Simango, from the Democratic Movement of Mozambique (MDM), Venâncio Mondlane, an independent but supported by Podemos, Ossufo Momade, from Renamo, and Daniel Chapo, from Frelimo. Yesterday,...

Venâncio Mondlane promete renegociar contratos com multinacionais

Venâncio Mondlane promises to renegotiate contracts with multinationals

The presidential candidate, Venâncio Mondlane, is holding a rally today in the Mateus Sansão Muthemba neighborhood, in the provincial capital of Tete, where he promises to talk in more detail about the governance project he wants to implement if he wins the October 9 elections. Mondlane, who is supported by the PODEMOS party, held a meeting yesterday afternoon...