Category: Economy

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Colisão entre comboio de carga e camião interrompe ligação ferroviária Moçambique – Eswatini

Collision between freight train and truck interrupts Mozambique - Eswatini rail link

Rail traffic between Mozambique and Eswatini has been interrupted since yesterday afternoon, Tuesday (04), after a freight train collided with a truck at a level crossing in Matola-rio, Boane district, Maputo province. According to a note from the Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM) company, the accident obstructed the Goba line,...

Governo anuncia a alocação de 8 MM de meticais para assistência pós-ciclones Chido e Dikeledi

Government announces allocation of 8 MM meticais for post-cyclone Chido and Dikeledi assistance

The Mozambican government, through the Council of Ministers, announced this Tuesday (04) the allocation of eight billion meticais for assistance and rehabilitation of infrastructure destroyed by cyclones Chido and Dikeledi, in northern Mozambique. The information was provided by the spokesperson for the Council of Ministers, Inocêncio Impissa, after a meeting of the Executive in Maputo. "O...

Governo autoriza HCB, CFM e EMOSE a adquirir 91% das acções do Estado na LAM

Government authorizes HCB, CFM and EMOSE to acquire 91% of state shares in LAM

The government today authorized three companies in the State Business Sector (SEE), namely Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa (HCB), Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM) and Empresa Moçambicana de Seguros (EMOSE) to acquire state stakes in the company Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique (LAM). "With the amount raised by the sale of 91% for its stake in...

Ernst & Young nomeia novo responsável para Moçambique

Ernst & Young appoints new head for Mozambique

Bruno Dias has been appointed to the position of Office Managing Partner (OMP) of Ernst & Young (EY) Mozambique, an executive leadership position he will take on from July. Until then, as Deputy Office Managing Partner, Bruno Dias will work on the transition process in close liaison with the still OMP, Paulo Reis, who...

LAM abre concurso para aquisição de novas aeronaves após a devolução do cargueiro Boeing 737-300

LAM opens tender for new aircraft after the return of the Boeing 737-300 freighter

Last Friday (31), Mozambique Airlines (LAM) went ahead with a procedure to try to contract the supply of Embraer ERJ190 and Boeing 737-700 aircraft. According to a publication in Carta de Moçambique, the tender was announced a few days after the return of a Boeing 737-300 cargo plane from Indonesia, which had been unavailable for a year....

Manica: Empresários querem medidas de recuperação pós-protestos

Manica: Entrepreneurs want post-protest recovery measures

The National Association of Young Entrepreneurs in Manica has suggested to the government measures for economic recovery after the electoral protests that caused incalculable damage to the private sector and beyond. According to "O Pais", the measures include exemption from the IRPC for the 2024 financial year and VAT forgiveness during the period of the vandalizations. Only...