LAM opens tender for new aircraft after the return of the Boeing 737-300 freighter

LAM abre concurso para aquisição de novas aeronaves após a devolução do cargueiro Boeing 737-300

Last Friday (31), Mozambique Airlines (LAM) went ahead with a procedure to try to contract the supply of Embraer ERJ190 and Boeing 737-700 aircraft..

According to a Letter from MozambiqueThe tender was announced a few days after the return of a Boeing 737-300 cargo plane from Indonesia, which had not operated in the country for a year due to the lack of national certification and recognition by the manufacturer of the modifications made to the aircraft (from passenger to cargo).

According to the same publication, the tender involves the submission of expressions of interest for the supply of aircraft of these two models, by national or foreign companies or consortia and will run until February 7th.


(Photo DR)

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