Category: Economy

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Moza Banco fortalece compromisso com exportação agrícola nacional

Moza Banco strengthens commitment to national agricultural exports

Moza Banco wants to continue to strengthen its belief in the country's agricultural potential, especially in terms of export capacity. In pursuit of this objective, the Bank took part in the Workshop on International Trade and Access to Financing for Exports in Maputo a few days ago. The workshop was organized by ExportaMoz, an entity dedicated to promoting...

Governo suspende IVA dos produtos básicos até Dezembro de 2025

Government suspends VAT on basic products until December 2025

The government today suspended the collection of Value Added Tax (VAT) on basic or essential products until December of this year, the spokesman for the Council of Ministers, Inocêncio Impissa, announced in Pemba, the capital of Cabo Delgado. In fact, the Executive's measure is the return of a facility implemented in...

Moçambique participa na Feira do Turismo de Negócios na cidade sul-africana de Sandton

Mozambique participates in the Tourism Business Fair in the South African city of Sandton

Mozambique is taking part in the 19th edition of the Meetings Africa business tourism fair, which officially opens today (25) in the South African city of Sandton. Meetings Africa is a pan-African event for the Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions industry. This year, 410 exhibitors have been confirmed, representing 113 small and medium-sized...

Cabo Delgado: TotalEnergies inicia negociações com camponeses de Palma que reivindicam suas terras

Cabo Delgado: TotalEnergies begins negotiations with Palma peasants who are claiming their land

TotalEnergies, responsible for the exploration of liquefied natural gas in Area 1 of the Rovuma Basin, in the district of Palma, in the north of Cabo Delgado province, has finally begun negotiations to overcome an impasse between the French oil company and local peasants. The peasants accuse the French oil company of failing to comply with...

PR discute desafios e oportunidades de negócios com investidores da  indústria extrativa

PR discusses challenges and business opportunities with extractive industry investors

The President of the Republic met yesterday with investors from the oil, gas and mining industry to discuss challenges and opportunities for the economic development of Cabo Delgado. The Head of State said in his speech that since the elections, the country has been experiencing violent demonstrations, but now somewhat decreasing, with a focus on...