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Governo vai avançar com a concessão da produção de gergelim a partir da próxima campanha

Government to go ahead with sesame production concession from the next campaign

The Mozambican government, through the National Institute of Cotton and Oilseeds of Mozambique (IAOM), an institution under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, announced a few days ago the launch of a public tender to select companies to promote and market sesame in the country. The tender is aimed at finding...

Cabo Delgado: Governo retira licenças mineiras por falta de investimento

Cabo Delgado: Government withdraws mining licenses due to lack of investment

The government of Cabo Delgado province has decided to withdraw mining licenses due to a lack of investment on the part of some licensed companies. The director of the Cabo Delgado Provincial Infrastructure Service, Norte Luali, said, quoted by the newspaper "Carta de Moçambique", that the province had 595 mining licenses, but because of...

Moçambique quer colher experiência do Timor-Leste sobre gestão do Fundo Soberano

Mozambique wants to draw on East Timor's experience in managing the Sovereign Wealth Fund

The Mozambican government has expressed its willingness to draw on the experience of the Republic of East Timor in the management of the Sovereign Fund, resulting from the resources generated by the exploitation of hydrocarbons. This was stated today, Friday (05), in Maputo, by the President of the Republic, Filipe Nyusi, at the end of talks, as part of the three-day state visit that...

Banida afixação de painéis publicitários com bebidas alcoólicas nas proximidades de instituições públicas

Ban on billboards advertising alcoholic beverages near public institutions

The National Inspectorate of Economic Activities (INAE) has announced that it will now be forbidden to display billboards advertising alcoholic beverages near public institutions, schools, hospitals and on television at inappropriate times. Speaking yesterday, Thursday (04), INAE's national director for Education, Sport and Culture, Leonor Mabutana, at a press conference...

Extensão do contrato de concessão a TRAC condiciona arranque das obras de modernização na N4

Extension of the concession contract to TRAC conditions the start of modernization works on the N4

Trans African Concession (TRAC-Mocambique) says that the start of widening, rehabilitation, maintenance and modernization works on some sections along the Maputo development corridor is conditional on the renewal of the concession contract, which expires on February 28, 2028. This is the concession resulting from the bidding process awarded to TRAC,...

“Seguradoras devem criar serviços para cobrir a população de baixa renda” – Amílcar Tivane

"Insurers must create services to cover the low-income population" - Amílcar Tivane

The Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, Amílcar Tivane, challenged the insurance companies operating in the country to create inclusive services in order to cover the low-income population. According to the deputy minister, who was speaking on Wednesday in Maputo at the 2nd Annual Insurance Conference, on the theme of "insurance in times of change", the...

Nampula: Empreiteiros abandonam obras do Estado por falta de desembolso de fundos

Nampula: Contractors abandon state works due to lack of disbursement of funds

A total of 328 contractors have abandoned works that had been awarded by the government in Nampula province, northern Mozambique, due to the alleged lack of disbursement of funds for the execution of the contracts. This is an unquantified number of works in the education and health sector - classrooms and health units - in various...

Mais de 56 mil turistas já beneficiaram da isenção de vistos em Moçambique

More than 56,000 tourists have already benefited from visa-free travel in Mozambique

More than 56,000 people from 29 countries have already benefited from the electronic visa for tourism and business purposes since the implementation of measure 13 of the Economic Acceleration Package (EAP) began in December 2022 until last March. This measure allows visa exemptions for citizens of 29 countries and the granting of...

FACIM 2024 poderá atrair cerca de 17 mil expositores de diversos países

FACIM 2024 could attract around 17,000 exhibitors from different countries

The Maputo provincial government expects around 17,000 exhibitors, both national and foreign, to take part in the 59th edition of the Maputo International Fair - FACIM 2024. It will be held at the Ricatla International Fairs and Exhibitions Center, located in the Marracuene district, under the slogan "Diversification of the National Economy in the Context of...