Category: Business

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Justiça francesa decide a favor do Estado moçambicano um processo contra a Indiana Patel Engineering

French court rules in favor of Mozambican state in case against Indiana Patel Engineering

The Arbitral Tribunal of the International Court of Arbitration (ICC), based in Paris, France, has handed down its verdict in the arbitration case brought by the Mozambican state against the Indian giant Patel Engineering. Represented by the Mozambican Attorney General's Office (PGR), the state brought the case to counter another action it had...

Moçambique e Maláui fecham consultas sobre comércio transfronteiriço simplificado

Mozambique and Malawi close consultations on simplified cross-border trade

The governments of Mozambique and Malawi recently concluded the consultation process under the Simplified Trade Regime (STR) Agreement, covering the borders of Zóbuè, Calómue, Mandimba and Melosa, with a view to facilitating cross-border trade and transportation between the two countries. In a publication in the newspaper Notícias, the director of Foreign Trade in...

Autoridades detectam anomalias na calibragem de bombas de combustível em Marracuene

Authorities detect anomalies in the calibration of fuel pumps in Marracuene

The Municipal Council of Marracuene, in Maputo province, has ordered the calibration of fuel pumps to avoid anomalies in sales to consumers. According to a publication by Rádio Moçambique, a team made up of technicians from the municipality and the National Institute for Standardization and Quality identified some imbalances at three petrol stations in the municipal town....

ENH e Buzi Hydrocarbonet projectam expandir operações de pesquisas e exploração de gás natural

ENH and Buzi Hydrocarbonet plan to expand natural gas exploration and exploitation operations

Indonesian petrochemical company BUZI Hydrocarbonet, which is currently exploring for hydrocarbons in the Búzi block in Sofala province, central Mozambique, is interested in expanding its natural gas exploration and exploitation operations. In a publication in the newspaper Notícias, Rudêncio Morais, director of Research and Production at Empresa Nacional de Hidrocarbonetos (ENH, EP), revealed...

Vodacom Moçambique torna-se na primeira empresa de telefonia com certificação ISO

Vodacom Mozambique becomes the first ISO-certified telephone company

Mobile operator Vodacom Mozambique has become the first telecommunications company to obtain ISO 50001 certification for energy management. ISO 50001 is an official, globally-recognized certification awarded to organizations that demonstrate world-class energy management, helping them to reduce consumption by developing a...

Gestora sul-africana deixa LAM após 18 meses de gestão e denúncias

South African manager leaves LAM after 18 months of management and accusations

Fly Modern Ark (FMA), the consultancy hired by the government to recover Mozambique Airlines (LAM), ended its management agreement with the national flag carrier yesterday (Thursday 19). The information was provided to MZNews by an internal source at the airline, signaling the end of an era marked by accusations of...

Combate à criminalidade: Gabinete de Gestão de Activos anuncia leilão dos primeiros bens

Fighting crime: Asset Management Office announces auction of first assets

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), through the Asset Management Office (GGA), has announced the auction of the first assets by the judicial authorities, as part of the fight against crime, for October 3. The information is contained in a notice published yesterday, Thursday (19) by the MEF and quoted by Carta de Moçambique, stressing that the...

HCB avança com medidas de gestão da exploração face aos efeitos da seca severa

HCB moves ahead with farm management measures to cope with the effects of the severe drought

The Cahora Bassa Hydroelectric Company (HCB), located in the province of Tete, central Mozambique, announced today, Thursday (19), that it is implementing management measures to deal with the effects of the continuing severe drought, influenced by the occurrence of the El Niño phenomenon in southern Africa. In a statement released today and seen by MZNews, the...