Category: Business

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Itália anuncia apoio de 23,5 M$ ao empreendedorismo juvenil em Moçambique

Italy announces 23.5 M$ support for youth entrepreneurship in Mozambique

The Italian government will provide 23.5 million dollars to support a program to encourage youth entrepreneurship in Mozambique, called IN4JOB. The support was announced last week during a meeting between the Italian ambassador to Mozambique, Gabriele Annis, and the Minister of Youth and Sport, Caifadine Manasse. According to a statement from the Embassy of...

Empresários indianos procuram oportunidades de negócio em Moçambique

Indian entrepreneurs look for business opportunities in Mozambique

A delegation of businesspeople from India, from various branches of activity, expressed their interest in exploring more business opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry, energy, mining, agribusiness and others. According to the High Commissioner of India in Mozambique, Robert Sheki Shetkintong, the sharing of experiences between business sectors in India and Mozambique reaffirms the...

Empresariado moçambicano alerta que elevada carga fiscal ameaça lucratividade das empresas

Mozambican business community warns that high tax burden threatens company profitability

The Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique (CTA), the largest private entity in the country, warned this Monday that the high tax burden has contributed to the "zero profitability" of companies, calling on the government to restrain the introduction of new taxes. According to the association's president, Agostinho Vuma, who was speaking in Maputo during the ceremony to celebrate the...

HCB reconhecida como maior contribuinte fiscal em 2024

HCB recognized as top tax payer in 2024

Hidroeléctrica de Cahora Bassa (HCB) was honored on Monday (24) by the Mozambican Tax Authority as the top-ranked company in the "Income Tax" and "Global Contribution" categories. The recognition highlights the company's record payments to the public purse, reinforcing its strategic role in national development. In the last three years (2022 to 2024),...

Sector privado pede isenção do IVA no óleo alimentar por um período de cinco anos

Private sector asks for VAT exemption on cooking oil for five years

The Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA), the largest employers' organization in the country, is asking for a five-year exemption from Value Added Tax (VAT) in the cooking oil value chain in Mozambique to allow the incorporation of local production factors in 30%. According to the Mozambican business community, the measure could boost the production of...

Moçambique quer partilhar experiência da Namíbia na indústria extractiva

Mozambique wants to share Namibia's experience in the extractive industry

Mozambique will work with the Namibian authorities to exchange experiences regarding legislation in the extractive industry sector, including the construction of infrastructure and access roads, agriculture and others. This was announced by the Mozambican statesman, Daniel Chapo, at a press conference held last Friday (21) in the Namibian capital, Windhoek,...