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EMOSE diz estar avaliar a possível compra de acções na LAM

EMOSE says it is evaluating the possible purchase of shares in LAM

Empresa Moçambicana de Seguros (EMOSE), said it was still evaluating the possible purchase of state shares in the company Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique (LAM), noting that only after this analysis will it decide whether to go ahead with the deal. The country's oldest insurance company is one of the three state-owned companies tipped to buy 91%...

Dugongo: Venda de cimento a um preço baixo na África do Sul visa obter “moeda estrangeira”

Dugongo: Selling cement at a low price in South Africa aims to obtain "foreign currency"

Moçambique Dugongo Cimentos considers that an arbitrary reduction in the price of cement could affect normal production and supply in the market, stressing that the establishment of the cost is influenced by multiple factors, which cannot be explained and decided by a single piece of information or number. Located in Matutuine, Maputo province, the firm...

Associação Industrial defende maior acesso ao financiamento para impulsionar indústrias locais

Industrial Association advocates greater access to finance to boost local industries

The Industrial Association of Mozambique (AIMO) argues that megaprojects should boost the development of local industries and improve the lives of communities, as long as they operate in the country. The position was presented last Friday (14) at a meeting between AIMO and the Minister of Economy, during which the association asked for more access to funding....

Manica: População invade mina de turmalinas por incumprimento do acordo

Manica: People invade tourmaline mine due to non-compliance with agreement

The population of the Nhampassa region, in the Bárue district of Manica, has invaded a tourmaline mine in protest at the failure of mining company Sominha Limitada to comply with its social responsibility agreement. According to a report in the newspaper "O País", the complaint has been going on for almost three months, when the local community decided to invade the...

ExxonMobil já investiu mais de 20 milhões de dólares em conteúdo local em Moçambique

ExxonMobil has already invested more than 20 million dollars in local content in Mozambique

US oil company ExxonMobil has announced that it has invested more than 20 million dollars in Mozambique since 2017 as part of its local content development strategy. According to a publication by Further Africa, which quotes the company's director of Public and Government Affairs in Mozambique, Armando Afonso, ExxonMobil plans to direct more investments in the economy...

EDM garante que fronteiras de Tete vão deixar de depender de energia dos países vizinhos

EDM guarantees that Tete's borders will no longer depend on energy from neighboring countries

Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) has said that it is making efforts to ensure that some border posts in the central province of Tete are no longer dependent on electricity from neighboring countries, especially Zimbabwe and Malawi. According to EDM's Director of Electrification and Projects, Sílvio Nurmomad, these are the border posts of Cuchamano, in...

BdM retira inspector residente do Standard Bank após quatro meses de nomeação

BdM removes resident inspector from Standard Bank after four months of appointment

The Bank of Mozambique (BdM) announced this Thursday (13) that it has removed Standard Bank's resident inspector, Cláudio Júlio Mangue, four months after his appointment. In a note from the BdM, the withdrawal of Cláudio Júlio Mangue, a senior central bank official who had been appointed on October 14, comes after Standard Bank...

LAM notifica 14 concorrentes no concurso para compra de aeronaves

LAM notifies 14 bidders in aircraft purchase tender

Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique (LAM) has selected 14 companies in the first phase of the tender to acquire two lots of Embraer 190 and Boeing 737-700 aircraft, all of them in an unspecified number. According to a report in the Savana newspaper, which quotes a communication from the airline, LAM announced the notification of the...