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LAM procura vias alternativas para mais de mil passageiros da rota Maputo-Lisboa

LAM seeks alternative routes for more than a thousand passengers on Maputo-Lisbon route

Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique (LAM) will provide alternative routes for more than a thousand passengers who had already bought tickets for the Maputo-Lisbon route. This measure follows last week's suspension of flights between the Mozambican and Portuguese capitals, which the national carrier considered to be unprofitable. The information was confirmed...

Mineradora Vulcan projecta investir mil milhões de dólares na área de sustentabilidade ambiental

Mining company Vulcan plans to invest one billion dollars in environmental sustainability

The Indian mining company Vulcan, which exploits coal in Moatize, in the province of Tete, central Mozambique, intends to invest one billion dollars over the next few years in the area of environmental sustainability, recycling of mining waste and its transformation, and renewable energies. The information was released last week after a meeting between...

Governo avalia medidas de recuperação das empresas afectadas pelas manifestações

Government evaluates recovery measures for companies affected by demonstrations

The President of the Republic, Daniel Chapo, met this Thursday (20) in Maputo with the Association of Commercial Banks to assess and announce immediate measures for the economic recovery of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) affected by the post-election demonstrations that culminated in the vandalization and destruction of several businesses. "With regard to this moment that we're...

CFM perdeu 17 milhões de dólares devido a vandalizações

CFM lost 17 million dollars due to vandalizations

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (CFM), Agostinho Langa Júnior, said yesterday that the company had recorded losses of 17 million meticais due to vandalizations. The head of CFM says that the company is currently working on resilience in the face of the losses,...

Governo desafia Porto da Beira a ser mais eficiente e competitivo

Government challenges Port of Beira to be more efficient and competitive

The Minister of Transport and Logistics, João Matlombe, said on Wednesday (19) that the Mozambican government is determined to ensure that the performance, efficiency and competitiveness of the Port of Beira, in Sofala, located in central Mozambique, is improved. Speaking during a visit to the port infrastructure, he explained that the congestion of trucks in the...

Empresários devem mais de 23,8 mil milhões de meticais a fornecedores externos

Entrepreneurs owe more than 23.8 billion meticais to external suppliers

The Confederation of Economic Associations of Mozambique - CTA said yesterday that at least 60 companies have debts with external suppliers worth 373 million dollars, around 23,830,568,963 at the current exchange rate. These are aggregate figures from companies that, within a week, managed to submit cases of overdue invoices, due to the...

EMOSE diz estar avaliar a possível compra de acções na LAM

EMOSE says it is evaluating the possible purchase of shares in LAM

Empresa Moçambicana de Seguros (EMOSE), said it was still evaluating the possible purchase of state shares in the company Linhas Aéreas de Moçambique (LAM), noting that only after this analysis will it decide whether to go ahead with the deal. The country's oldest insurance company is one of the three state-owned companies tipped to buy 91%...

Dugongo: Venda de cimento a um preço baixo na África do Sul visa obter “moeda estrangeira”

Dugongo: Selling cement at a low price in South Africa aims to obtain "foreign currency"

Moçambique Dugongo Cimentos considers that an arbitrary reduction in the price of cement could affect normal production and supply in the market, stressing that the establishment of the cost is influenced by multiple factors, which cannot be explained and decided by a single piece of information or number. Located in Matutuine, Maputo province, the firm...